Meet the instructors

We are very excited to teach you this summer! Please email if you have any logistical questions or concerns.


Instructors give course lectures, manags course staff, and oversee course policies.

Tiffany Perumpail

Tiffany Perumpail


  • During the spring semester of my freshman year, I junior mentored for CSM 61A. And I've been in love with teaching CS61A ever since! Feel free to email me about anything (especially if you are feeling lost in this course, want some advice, or just need to talk). I'm all ears :)
Chris Allsman

Chris Allsman


  • Hi there! I'm a recent Computer Science graduate from Fresno, CA and my pronouns are they/them. 61A was my first experience programming, and I've been in love with it ever since. Outside of teaching, my interests include cooking, (computational) biology, and 20th century avant-garde music.
Alex Stennet

Alex Stennet


  • Asphalt, the most recycled material in the world (99% recycled, ~62mil tons/yr), is a liquid with a viscosity 230 billion times water's, it can be melted out of roads. This was measured via the pitch drop experiment, which started in 1927 (it's actually live streamed). My pronouns are he/him.