CS 39J - The Art and Science of Photography Dani's camera
Designed by Steven Chan


Schedule & Notes

This page is an overview of each week's session, with a breakdown of topics discussed.

Notes Clicking this icon takes you to the Notes for each session.
* This icon precedes an assignment.


Week 1 (January 25) - Welcome
Week 2 (February 1) - Photographic thought process
Week 3 (February 8) - Photojournalism
Week 4 (February 15) - Lenses
Week 5 (February 22) - Perspective
Week 6 (February 29) - Depth of Field
Week 7 (March 7) - Portraits
Week 8 (March 14) - Street Photography
Week 11 (April 4) - Street Photography
Week 12 (April 11) - Night Photography
Week 13 (April 17) - Depth of field




Department of Computer ScienceOfficial Website for the University of California, Berkeley

Current webmaster: Shamim Pakzad (shamimp@ce.berkeley.edu).
CS 39J: The Art and Science of Photography is a freshman seminar taught by Professor Brian A. Barsky.
Site design by Steven Chan.