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EE 40 (Fall 2009)
Introduction to Microelectronic Circuits

Last updated  12/19/2009


Course Letter Grade posted in bspace. The numerical percentage shown in Course Grade is just a bspace symbol and has no relationship with your actual score.

100% =A+, 95% =A, 90%= A-,87%=B+, 83%= B, 80%=B-,77%=C+, 73%=C, 70%=C-,

67%=D+, 63%=D, 60%=D-, 0%=F , No entry =Incomplete

Final Exam  Solutions (2993kb)

Final Exam Statistics (48kb)

Lab Project Scores = Poster quality (25)+Answering questions(25)+ Functionality Demo(50)+Video(5)+Bonus

* Each additional task will be given bonus points (0-10) based on the quality, by consensus of the examiners and your Lab section GSIs.

Lab Total score = 0.1*(sum of six lab modules) + 0.4* (Lab Project)

Overall Course Grade [10%HW, 30% midterms, 30% final, 30% Lab]

=  0.1* (highest 9 HW scores)/8

   +0.15*(midterm1+ midterm2+ bonus points based on quiz)

   +0.15*(final exam)

   +0.3*(Lab Total)

Project Award Winners

Ali Madani and Rafael Send

"Light Seeker" -Unmanned vehicle tracking a black line with mobility and safety features.


Andrew Lee & Raj Patel + Heerad Farkhoor & Edward Levin

“Smart Car + Light Sensor Combination” – One plus one is greater than two.


Akash Gupta and Sameep Tandon

"Reflexive Car with IR-Based Sensing and GUI" -A multifunctional vehicle.


Colin Wilkins and Sergio Hidalgo

"Light sensing Analog Robot" - An all-analog autonomous robot.


All these projects are truly exceptional in technical quality and are way beyond the expectation of an EE40 assignment. All winners will have an upgrade of 1/2 a grade on top on the normal course grade. Their videos and posters will be archived in the Cory 140 Projects Hall of Fame. Professor Cheung will be happy to write recommendation letters if they need one in the future.



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