EE192: Mechatronics Design Lab

Checkpoint 6

This checkpoint is for you to demonstrate that you can interface with and get data off the line scan camera. While it's recommended that you also make progress with mechanically mounting your camera to the car, you can have your camera mounted to your desk for this test.

For this checkpoint, you must also be able to measure the line position from the camera frame, then use that data to command the steering servos. At this stage, you are free to use a controlled vision environment on your benchtop. Future checkpoints will have you running on a set test track.

Checkoff Procedure

  • Show that you are able to read the line camera data and discriminate the line.

  • With the camera set a fixed distance from the plane of the line (your choice), measure the lateral displacement of the line from the camera center in centimeters (not pixels) and print this to the terminal.

  • Show that the steering servo responds appropriately to left and right motion of the line. You need not have a fast or well tuned loop at this point.