EE192: Mechatronics Design Lab

Checkpoint 6

Boards are back, and it's time to put them to use! By this checkpoint, all your first revision hardware (electrical and mechanism) should be done, providing a platform to develop the smarts and sensors of your car in the coming weeks.

The main focus of this checkpoint is to ensure your platform both works and is reliable and stable. To accomplish that, we will conduct the open-loop drop and run test.

Checkoff Procedure

  • Obviously, everything, including your microcontroller, must be powered from the battery. You should have your boost converter working at this point.

  • Your car will be dropped from a 1-foot height, simulating a crash. Nothing should break loose, and the car should continue to function.

  • After being dropped, drive in a figure-eight pattern. This may be done open-loop (so we'll look more at your steering commands rather than the actual shape the car drives in). No track will be provided. You only need to complete one figure-eight, and your car can stop afterwards.

  • Sensors are not necessary for any part of the test (i.e. you don't need to detect the drop to start your car). Everything may run off a simple timer or through wireless commands.

  • It is highly encouraged for your car to have a e-stop which can be easily actuated on a moving car. Just in case…

  • Having velocity control is highly recommended for this checkpoint.