·         Class Policy on Collaboration and Cheating

Cheating directly affects the reputation of the Department and University and lowers the morale of other students. As is consistent with departmental policy, incidents of cheating on homework assignments or lab reports will result in a grade of zero on that assignment, while cheating on exams will result in a failing grade in the course. All incidents of cheating will be reported to the Office of Student Conduct where records of academic misconduct are maintained.

Presenting another person's work as your own constitutes cheating, whether that person is a friend or an unknown student in this class or a previous semester's class. Everything you turn in must be your own doing, and it is your responsibility to make it clear to the grader that it really is your own work. If you are not sure whether a particular interaction is appropriate, consult the instructor or aTA before you turn in the assignment.


EECS Departmental Policy on Academic Dishonesty

Copying all or part of another person's work, or using reference material not specifically allowed, are forms of cheating and will not be tolerated. A student involved in an incident of cheating will be notified by the instructor and the following policy will apply:

  1. The instructor may take actions such as:
    a) require repetition of the subject work,
    b) assign an F grade or a 'zero' grade to the subject work,
    c) for serious offenses, assign an F grade for the course.
  2. The recommended action for cheating on examinations or term papers is 1(c).
  3. The instructor must inform the student and the Department Chair in writing of the incident, the action taken, if any, and the student's right to appeal to the Chair of the Department Grievance Committee or to the Director of the Office of Student Conduct.
  4. The instructor must retain copies of any written evidence or observation notes.
  5. The Department Chair must inform the Director of the Office of Student Conduct of the incident, the student's name, and the action taken by the instructor.
  6. The Office of Student Conduct may choose to conduct a formal hearing on the incident and to assess a penalty for misconduct.
  7. The Department will recommend that students involved in a second incident of cheating be dismissed from the University.