EE 105 Microelectronic Devices and Circuits

Formal Lab Outline

We would like to model the formal lab write-up like a well-documented journal paper, since many of you, at some time in your life, might have to write a research paper. With this in mind, your lab should be divided up into 6 parts:

1. Abstract:

This is a summary of the purpose and results of your experiments. The abstract should be 3-4 sentences and concisely show what your results are and what they mean. The abstract is meant to give the reader only the extremely relevant information concerning your experiment and should not be long.

2. Theory:

This section should discuss the expected results from your experiment. Use circuit analysis, combined with values gathered from previous experiments, to predict what the results of the experiment will be. Calculations in the prelab should be helpful in this session. Please be thorough in your calculation, and state any assumptions that you make. Include plots of expected behavior, important equations, and important calculations in this section. Any long derivation should be included in the appendix.

3. Experiment and Results:

This is the section where you include your experimental plots and tables to show the data that you collected for the experiment. Include all circuit diagrams and plots, with the axes properly labeled. If you use data from a plot, such as intercept or slope, clearly explain how it relates to the value you want to measure. Finally, clearly state the error, in percent, between your measured results and your predicted values.

4. Analysis:

In this section, you can truly show your understanding of the subject matter. Explain any significant differences between the theoretical and experimental results. Explain the significance of your results. It is also beneficial to look at the Objective section in your lab manual and include the topics listed there.

5. Conclusion:

Conclude the whole experiment within 200 words. You can also put some ideas for further experiments here.

6. Appendix:

Any long derivation should be included in this section.