EECS 1 Laboratory

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You are required to complete 10 labs during the term. You will notice that there are 24 labs in the book. This means you have choice. To aid you in choosing labs we have included a hierarchy on page ix of the Laboratory Manual.

 The first week in lab will be orientation and instruction on the use of lab equipment. In the second week we expect you to do the Oscilloscope Lab, unless you are already comfortable using one. Generally, most students without prior experience will do the Parallel and Series Comonents lab the third week. After that please observe the hierarchy, as the deeply nested labs depend on the ones immeadiately above and to the left. This means you can do the AM Radio Transmitter or the RC Filters next. We reccomend a "depth first" exploration of the list. So, after doing the AM Radio transmitter, you can do Op-amps and then Multiband... etc.

 Complete Pre-Lab Questions for your lab BEFORE arriving at your scheduled lab. Each lab is graded on a basis of twenty points, with 2 points for the pre-lab, and two points for turning in the report at the end of the two hour lab section.(This is to encourage you to complete the work during the scheduled lab period and not spend more time later cleaning up the report.) The goal of the lab is to have some fun and learn something new. So if you already know everything about one of our lab topics -- don't do it! Choose something new where you can learn more. 

Lab Schedule