Notes on using include files with HP and DEC machines: Include files provide a nice way of breaking up programs into separate files such that common subprograms can be used in different programs without having to copy the subprograms. One could create packages of functions that perform various tasks (string operations, statistics, etc.) and when needed in a program merely include those files and add the desired calls to the subprograms. By convention include files end with ".i". Unfortunately HP and DEC machines use different protocols for including files. I'll discuss each individually. HP machines (workstations in the lab rooms in Cory and Soda hall): Include files are referenced by the file that will use them by including a line where you want the contents of the include file to occur in your program. To include the file random.i, use: $include 'random.i'$ This acts as if the contents of random.i had been included at that spot. The program ran-hp.p is compiled with 'pc ran-hp.p' DEC machines: (po, volga, danube, cory) Subprograms must be declared as external in the place you would normally include them in the program. You must provide the subprogram header followed by the keyword external, such as: function Random (var seed : integer) : real; external; The program ran-dec.p is compiled with the include file random.i (containing the definition of the function Random) using 'pc random.i ran-dec.p' written by Oliver Grillmeyer 2/16/95