1. Let X = # of students who receive their own exam (i.e., # of fixed points). Then E[X] = 1 and Var(X) = 1. By Chebyshev's inequality, Pr[|X-1| >= 4] <= Var(X)/4^2 = 1/16. Now Pr[X >= 5] <= Pr[|X-1| >= 4] <= 1/16, since if X >= 5, then surely |X-1| >= 4. Caution: We need to calculate Pr[|X-1| >= 4], not Pr[|X-1| >= 5]. The latter is equivalent to Pr[X >= 6], which is not what we were asked to calculate. (The equivalence is because, in this case, X is always non-negative. In general we would have Pr[X >= 5] <= Pr[|X-1| >= 4] and Pr[X >= 6] <= Pr[|X-1| >= 5].) 2. Yes, this set is countable, since it is a subset of the natural numbers. Therefore it can be put into a bijection with some subset of N (just look at the identity function). Alternatively, let S = the set of prime numbers. Define the function f:N->S by f(n) = the nth prime number. For instance, f(0) = 2, f(1) = 3, f(2) = 5, f(3) = 7, f(4) = 11, and so on. Then f is bijective, so S must be countable.