CS61C Summer 2018 Lab 0 - git and Number Representation



Policies and Partners

You are REQUIRED to have a partner for lab checkoffs. This will reduce the number of check-offs we have to perform (allowing us to answer more of your questions) as well as give you someone to discuss class material with. BOTH partners will need to be present at check-off to receive credit and both partners will be asked to participate during the check-off. Try your best to find someone in your lab section with similar work habits as yourself.

How Checkoffs Work

You'll notice that at the end of (almost) every exercise, there is a section labelled "Check-off" in a beige-tinted box. The tasks in this section are what you must successfully complete and show to your TA/Lab assistant/Tutor in order to receive credit for completing the lab. Once you and your partner finish ALL of the exercises, you should put your names and logins on the checkoff queue on the board, and wait for a staff member to check you off. PLEASE use this queue only for checkoffs when you are COMPLETELY done! If you have a question or are unsure of anything, use the question queue instead.

Labs in CS61C are graded out of 2 points. A lab is considered on-time if it is turned in by the end of NEXT LAB SESSION. For example, the lab assigned to you in this week's lab is this document, lab 0. Each lab section that the lab is late past this point (Lab 1's release, which is 06/21), you lose one point on the lab.

Note: There are only 12 labs in total, but your total lab score is out of 30 course points, of which there are 300 in total. So one lab is actually worth 2.5 course points, despite it being graded out of 2 points.


In today's lab only, you should do exercises zero through two alone. You will need a partner for exercises three through five.

Exercise 0: Account and Environment Setup

To obtain your CS61C login, go to https://acropolis.cs.berkeley.edu/~account/webacct/ and login using your Calnet ID. Once you login, create a new account for CS61C. This should give you a username and a temporary password. Now, you can login to your instructional account by running the command ssh cs61c-xxx@hiveYY.cs.berkeley.edu on your laptop (where xxx is your 61c login, and YY is any number betwwen 1 and 29), and entering in your temporary password. Congratulations! You are now remotely accessing the hiveYY computer located in Soda 330. You can also login directly onto one of the lab computers with that username and password.

In order to change your password from the temporary one, while still logged into your instructional account (i.e. in the same terminal window that you ran ssh cs61c-xxx@hiveYY.cs.berkeley.edu ), and enter ssh cs61c-xxx@update.cs.berkeley.edu and follow the prompts.

Now you're ready to start the lab!


Exercise 1: Bitbucket Account Setup

Please read the following instructions carefully before proceeding. Almost all issues students run into during this lab can be prevented by carefully following the steps provided. Even if you have experience with git from previous 61 series classes, the process we use to set up your accounts may be different in this class.

This semester, we will be requiring that you use git, a distributed version control system. Version control systems are better tools for sharing code than emailing files, using flash drives, or even other file sharing mechanisms like Dropbox.

We'll be using Bitbucket to host private repositories in which you'll store your code. If the previous sentence means nothing to you, don't be alarmed! We'll walk through the process shortly. But first, you'll need to create a Bitbucket account if you don't already have one.

Why Bitbucket? Bitbucket allows accounts to have unlimited private repos. GitHub limits this to 5 per (student) user. Since many of you have already used those 5, we decided to use Bitbucket. If you have expereince using Github.com in previous classes, don't worry: Bitbucket interacts with git in the same way as Github.com, it is just a different website for hosting the remote (online) repositories.

Setting up Bitbucket and creating a Bitbucket repository

Navigate to bitbucket.org

Setting up git

Now that we have created our repo, lets configure git so that it knows who you are. While logged into your instructional account (from part 0), Run the commands listed below, replacing YOUR NAME with your first and last name (inside quotes) and YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS with the email address you used to register for your Bitbucket account:

$ git config --global user.name "YOUR NAME"
$ git config --global user.email "YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS"


Exercise 2: git, Remotes, and the Hive machines

First, some quick defintions.

Throughout this class, you will regularly work with three different computers that may very well have three different versions of your code. These three are your local machine (your personal computer), one of the hive machines (while logged into your instructional account), and a remote (your Bitbucket repositories). For the least pain throughout the semester, it's essential that you understand the difference between these three and how you can share code between them.

  1. Your local machine. Just your good ol' personal computer--nothing new here!
  2. The hive machines. We'll be using a lot of different software and libraries throughout this class that might require different versions than the ones on your local machine (e.g. python2.7 versus python3). Therefore, you'll need to log into your instructional account on a hive machine (hiveYY.cs.berkeley.edu) so that you can run your assignment code in an environment with all of the correct software/library versions.
  3. The Bitbucket remote. Your Bitbucket account serves a lot of purposes, but 2 of the most important are as 1) a way to share your code using git 2) a backup of your code, so that if something ever happens to your local machine, you can recover your code instead of having to start over! Conceptually, you can also think of the Bitbucket remote as another machine that only stores your project code (and doesn't do much else). You will push changes to Bitbucket (i.e. updating the files on Bitbucket) and also pull changes from Bitbucket (i.e. updating files on your local machine)

If you aren't already logged in, SSH onto the hive machine as in part 0. Next, obtain the files for this section.

Obtaining Lab Files

Copy the contents of ~cs61c/labs/00 to a suitable location in the home directory of your instructional account as follows.

$ mkdir labs (if ~/labs doesn't exist)
$ cp -r ~cs61c/labs/00/ ~/labs/00

You should be able to see the lab files if you navigate to ~/labs/00

To copy the lab files to your local machine, you have two options. 1) You can use git and Bitbucket, which you'll learn in the next section, and allow you to have version control over the changes you make to your lab code. 2) Using the scp command, which requires less steps but does not give you version control. Read below on how to use scp for future labs, but for this lab, we'll be using git. If you already know how to use scp, feel free to ignore the following.

Scp follows the same semantics as the cp command used above (cp -r [host] [destination], -r being a flag to copy recursively all directories and files). Thus, one way to use scp to copy files to your local machine is to navigate to a place on your local machine that you want to store your lab files, and run scp -r cs61c-XXX@hiveXX.cs.berkeley.edu:~/labs/00 ./ (don't forget the "./" at the end for the destination argument). You must run this command from your local machine; it will not work if you run this on the instructional machines. If you then type ls, your lab folder should appear on your local machine.

Pushing to and pulling from Bitbucket

Now let's push some code to the Bitbucket "lab0_with_git" repo that you made earlier! Run the following list of commands.

Make sure you are in the directory ~/labs/00 before executing the code below

git init # initalizes git to start tracking all changes within this repo (i.e directory and its subdirectories)
git remote add origin https://bitbucket.org/mybitbucketusername/lab0_with_git.git # Adds your Bitbucket as a remote to backup your code to
git status

After the last command, you should see some output in your terminal about untracked files.

Now let's commit your changes (i.e. all of these newly tracked files). Remember the following sequence of commands, you'll be using them regularly to commit changes to your code.

git add -A # stages all modified files for committing
git status # you should now see that files are staged
git commit -m "Commit message" # you can enter whatever you'd like for the message
git branch # you should see that only the master branch exists, and you're currently on it
git push origin master # this pushes your code to Bitbucket! You should now see it on Bitbucket.

Git's version control is built around commits, or checkpoints in development of different versions/stages of your code. To explain the above steps a little further:

When it comes to git, if you're ever unsure of something, but just want to make sure you have a saved copy of the current contents of your code, just run git add and then git commit .

Now that we've got your code stored on Bitbucket, let's get your code on your local machine and actually start modifying it. Open a terminal window on your local machine, and navigate to the directory where you'd like to store your labs on your local machines (e.g. "~/cs61c/labs"). Now run the following command.

git clone https://bitbucket.org/mybitbucketusername/lab0_with_git.git

Just like that, the lab0 files you had on your instructional account and on Bitbucket are now also on your local machine! Now, let's make some changes. Within the lab0_with_git directory, open the hello.sh file. Change student_name from "Oski" to your own name, and change line 14 from ls to sl. Then, try running the file with ./hello.sh. You should see some greetings printed out, and a message that the sl command was not found. Not so interesting, huh? This is one of the situations where the hive machines have different things installed than on your local machine. Let's use git to get your newly changed code onto a hive machine, so that you can run hello.sh as expected! Run the following commands:

git add hello.sh
git commit -m "Write your own commit message"
git push origin master

Now open up the terminal window where you were logged onto a hive machine (back from part 0). Navigate to the directory where you originally copied the lab files, "~/labs/00", and then run:

git pull origin master

You may be presented with a new screen asking you to write a commit message. This is likely the built in text editor Vim. To start editing your message, first type i, write your commit message, and then type :wq to save your message and exit the editor.

This command fetches any new changes/updates to the branch "master" that have been stored on the remote "origin", and then merges them onto the current branch of your non-remote copy of your code (in this case on your instructional account). So just like that, the name and "sl" changes that you made earlier on your laptop, are now also present on your instructional account. Now, again run ./hello.sh. Cool train, eh?

One last git command that you'll find useful is git log . Run this command, and you'll see a history of all the commits ever made to your code (on the current branch), including the time and who made the commit.


Exercise 3: Working on Projects

This semester, you'll be working on projects individually and you may work on both the hive machine and your local machine. But how can you smoothly change code in the same files without having to delete and copy files back and forth? There is where Git will come to the rescue! In this part, you'll learn the process you will use for every project for obtaining the starter files for the project and then also working on the code on both machines. For the rest of this part, you will work on both your laptop and your instructional account. It will be easiest to open up multiple tabs in your terminal.

Setup: Getting the Project Files

First, let's make a Bitbucket repo to store your project code. Follow the steps from part 1 again in order to create a new Bitbucket repo named "lab0-xxx", where xxx is your 61c login.

Now navigate to the directory on the hive machine where you'd like to store your project code (e.g. "~/cs61c/projects" or "~/projects"), and run the following commands:

git clone https://bitbucket.org/mybitbucketusername/lab0-xxx.git
cd lab0-xxx
git remote add lab0-starter https://github.com/61c-teach/su18-lab0.git
git fetch lab0-starter
git merge lab0-starter/master -m "Getting lab0 skeleton code"
git push origin master

Now switch to your local machine, set up a lab0-xxx on your local machine and pull the lab files.

git clone https://bitbucket.org/mybitbucketusername/lab0-xxx.git
cd lab0-xxx
git pull origin master

You should now have the starter code (foo.txt with content "Hello World") on both machines.

Now, let's pretend you are working on the project on your local machine. Open up foo.txt on your local machine, change the contents to "Hello World, and all who inhabit it", and push your changes to your Bitbucket repo:

git add foo.txt
git commit -m "Change to foo.txt"
git push origin master

You should be able to push to your Bitbucket repo successfully. At this time, foo.txt should have "Hello World, and all who inhabit it" on your local machine, but "Hello World" on the hive machine.

Now, pretend that you are switching to work on your code on the hive machine, but forgot to pull the new changes. Switch to the hive machine and open up foo.txt. Change its content to your name and try to commit and push your changes to Bitbucket.

git add foo.txt
git commit -m "Change to my Name"
git push origin master

This time, your push command errors out because your Bitbucket repo contains work that you do not have on your hive machine repository:

To https://bitbucket.org/mybitbucketusername/lab0-xxx.git
! [rejected]        master -> master (fetch first)
error: failed to push some refs to 'https://bitbucket.org/mybitbucketusername/lab0-xxx.git'
hint: Updates were rejected because the remote contains work that you do
hint: not have locally. This is usually caused by another repository pushing
hint: to the same ref. You may want to first integrate the remote changes
hint: (e.g., 'git pull ...') before pushing again.
hint: See the 'Note about fast-forwards' in 'git push --help' for details.

To fix this, let's pull and then re-push.

  git pull origin master

You should get "Auto-merging fails". What does it mean?

Merge Conflicts: When things goes wrong

In the previous section, you worked on the out-dated directory on the hive machine and tried to push the new changes without pulling the most recent code. When you try to pull code that conflicts with the code you are working on, this situation is called a merge conflict and poses a problem because git doesn't know which modifications it should accept for the conflicting line(s). Let's see how to resolve this.

If you open up foo.txt, you'll notice that some arrows and other numbers have been added by git to signify a merge conflict. The top half (before the "========") is the changes you made on hive machine, and the bottom half is the code from the remote Bitbucket repo (The change you pushed from your local machine). Resolve the conflict by deleting the ">>>>", "======", and the commit numbers (next to the arrows), and leaving the correct text (your name). You now need to re-add the once-conflicted file and commit it:

git add foo.txt
git commit -m "Resolved merge conflict"
git push origin master
git log

This time push should succeed. Take a look at the git log output and make sure you understand where each log comes from.

Finally, switch back to your local machine and pull the changes you just made:

0: git pull origin master

You should see your name in foo.txt on your local machine.


Exercise 4: Binary Alphabet

Let's take 4-bit numbers. If we stack five 4-bit numbers on top of each other in binary, we can make patterns and pictures! To help visualize this, you can think of 0's and 1's as white and black instead. For example, what does the following bit pattern look like?

0 1 1 0   ■ ■ □
1 0 0 1   □ □ ■
1 1 1 1 -->   ■ ■ ■
1 0 0 1   □ □ ■
1 0 0 1   □ □ ■


Exercise 5: 1,000 $1 Bills

I hand you a thousand $1 bills and ten envelopes. Your job is to find a way to put various numbers of dollar bills in those ten envelopes so that no matter what amount of money I ask you for (between $1-1000), you can simply hand me some combination of envelopes and always be assured of giving me the correct amount of cash.
