# Format of list nodes: # first 4 bytes are value, second 4 bytes are pointer to next .data spaceString: .asciiz " " newlineString: .asciiz "\n" listBeforeString: .asciiz "List before: " listAfterString: .asciiz "List after: " .text main: jal create_default_list addu $s0 $v0 $0 # $v0 = $s0 is head of node list #print "list before: " la $a0 listBeforeString li $v0 4 syscall #print the list addu $a0 $s0 $0 jal print_list # print a newline jal print_newline #issue the map call addu $a0 $s0 $0 # load the address of the first node into $a0 # load the address of the function into $a1 (check out la) #YOUR_INSTRUCTION_HERE jal map # print "list after: " la $a0 listAfterString li $v0 4 syscall #print the list addu $a0 $s0 $0 jal print_list li $v0 10 syscall map: addiu $sp $sp -12 sw $ra 0($sp) sw $s1 4($sp) sw $s0 8($sp) beq $a0 $0 done # if we were given a null pointer, we're done. addu $s0 $a0 $0 # save address of this node in $s0 addu $s1 $a1 $0 # save address of function in $s1 #remember that each node is 8 bytes long: 4 for the value followed by 4 for the pointer to next # load the value of the current node into $a0 #YOUR_INSTRUCTION_HERE # call the function on that value. #YOUR_INSTRUCTION_HERE # store the returned value back into the node #YOUR_INSTRUCTION_HERE # load the address of the next node into $a0 #YOUR_INSTRUCTION_HERE # put the address of the function back into $a1 to prepare for the recursion #YOUR_INSTRUCTION_HERE #recurse #YOUR_INSTRUCTION_HERE done: lw $s0 8($sp) lw $s1 4($sp) lw $ra 0($sp) addiu $sp $sp 12 jr $ra square: mul $v0 $a0 $a0 jr $ra create_default_list: addiu $sp $sp -4 sw $ra 0($sp) li $s0 0 # pointer to the last node we handled li $s1 0 # number of nodes handled loop: #do... li $a0 8 jal malloc # get memory for the next node sw $s1, 0($v0) # node->value = i sw $s0, 4($v0) # node->next = last addu $s0 $0 $v0 # last = node addiu $s1, $s1, 1 # i++ bne $s1 10 loop # ... while i!= 10 lw $ra 0($sp) addiu $sp $sp 4 jr $ra print_list: bne $a0, $0, printMeAndRecurse jr $ra # nothing to print printMeAndRecurse: addu $t0, $a0, $0 # t0 gets current node address lw $a0, 0($t0) # a0 gets value in current node li $v0 1 # preparte for print integer syscall syscall la $a0 spaceString # a0 gets address of string containing space li $v0 4 # prepare for print string syscall syscall lw $a0 4($t0) # a0 gets address of next node j print_list # recurse. We don't have to use jal because we already have where we want to return to in $ra print_newline: la $a0 newlineString li $v0 4 syscall jr $ra malloc: li $v0 9 syscall jr $ra