University of California at Berkeley
College of Engineering
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

CS61CL, Summer 2009

HW 8 (Updated 08/05)

[TA] James Tu

Due Thursday, August 6, 2009 @ 9:30 am

Clarifications will be posted in red.

Submitting your Solutions

Create a directory named hw8 that contains a text file named README with all of your answers. While in that directory, run submit hw8. This is not a partnership assignment; hand in your own work.


1. (P&H 3rd edition Exercise 7.9)

Here is a series of address references given as word addresses: 2, 3, 11, 16, 21, 11, 3, 22, 27, 6, and 11. Assuming a direct-mapped cache with 16 one-word blocks that is initially empty, label each reference in the list as a hit or a miss and show the final contents of the cache.


Repeat Problem 1 (Exercise 7.9) for a fully associative cache with 16 one-word blocks.


Repeat Problem 1 (Exercise 7.9) for a 4-way set associative cache.

4. (P&H 3rd edition Exercise 7.10)

Using the series of references given in Problem 1 (Exercise 7.9), show the hits and misses and the final cache contents for a direct-mapped cache with four-word blocks and a total size of 16 words.

5. (P&H 3rd edition Exercise 7.17)

Find the AMAT (Average Memory Access Time = Time for a hit + Miss rate * Miss penalty) for a processor with a 2 ns clock, a miss penalty of 20 clock cycles, a miss rate of 0.05 misses per instruction, and a cache access time (including hit detection) of 1 clock cycle. Assume that the read and write miss penalties are the same and ignore other write stalls. Also, assume that we are dealing with a single-cycle processor and not a pipelined processor. Please show your work.

6. (P&H 3rd edition Exercise 7.29)

Suppose a computer's address size is k bits (using byte addressing), the cache size is S bytes, the block size is B bytes, and the cache is A-way set-associative. Assume that B is a power of two, so B = 2b. Figure out what the following quantities are in terms of S, B, A, b, and k: the number of sets in the cache, the number of index bits in the address, and the number of bits needed to implement the cache (see Exercise 7.12 in P&H 3rd edition). Please explain your reasoning.

7. (P&H 3rd edition Exercise 7.35)

The following C program is run (with no optimizations) on a processor with a cache that has eight-word (32-byte) blocks and holds 256 bytes of data:

int i,j,c,stride,array[512]
for (i=0; i<10000; i++) 
   for (j=0; j<512; j=j+stride)  
	c = array[j] + 17;

If we consider only the cache activity generated by references to the array and we assume that integers are words, what is the expected miss rate (ignoring compulsory misses) when the cache is direct mapped and stride = 256? How about if stride = 255? Would either of these change if the cache were two-way set associative? Please explain your reasoning for each part.

8. (P&H 3rd edition Exercise 7.39)

Consider a virtual memory system with the following properties:

  • 40-bit virtual byte address
  • 16 KB pages
  • 36 bit physical byte address

    What is the total size of the page table for each process on this processor, assuming that the valid, protection, dirty, and use bits take a total of 4 bits and that all the virtual pages are in use? (Assume that disk addresses are not stored in the page table). Please explain how you determined your answer.


    Explain the differences between write-through and write-back caches, and when/why one might be preferred over the other.