HERE DID YOU GROW UP? WHAT WAS YOUR ACADEMIC PATH? I'm from Westfield, which is in Central New Jersey. Some people will try to tell you that New Jersey can only be divided into North and South, but they're wrong. I'm a rising Junior studying EECS. Before Berkeley, I went to the Union County Academy for Information Technology in Scotch Plains, NJ. HOW MUCH PROGRAMMING HAVE YOU DONE (& WHAT LANGUAGES)? In high school classes, I was exposed to Python, SQL, and Java. Aside from those I learned in my lower divs, I've read about and dabbled in Javascript. My favorite language is currently Python, but that changes month to month. Learning about assembly languages blew my mind because I knew one of my longtime favorite games, Rollercoaster Tycoon, was written entirely in x86. WHAT ARE YOUR HOBBIES? Hiking/Camping Climbing Watching and discussing film, especially sci-fi Texas Holdem Intramural Softball WHAT ARE SOME OF YOUR TALENTS AND SKILLS? I'm skilled/lucky at guessing things (especially numbers, I love Fermi questions). I can open many pistachios extremely quickly. I've been told that my personally mixed trail mix is excellent. HAVE YOU DONE ANYTHING REMARKABLE? HAS ANYTHING MEMORABLE HAPPENED TO YOU? 1. Not yet 2. Many memorable, yet unremarkable things WHAT COMMITMENTS WILL BE CONSUMING YOUR CYCLES THIS SEMESTER? Classes, tutoring 61C.