CS61C Fall 2015 Project 3-1: ALU and Regfile

TAs: Shreyas Chand, Rebecca Herman

Due Wednesday, October 21st, 2015 @ 11:59 PM

Updates and Clarifications



In this project you will be using Logisim to implement a simple 32-bit two-cycle processor. Throughout the implementation of this project, we'll be making design choices that make it compatible with machine code outputs from MARS and your Project 2! When you're done, you'll be able to run MIPS code through your assembler and linker, and then on your very own CPU :D

In part I, you will make the Regfile and ALU.

0) Obtaining the Files

Similarly to project 2, we will be distributing the project files through Bitbucket. You can look back on the step 0 for project 2 for more specific steps. However, make sure that you are using your newly created project 3 repository, even if you have the same partner as in project 2! The repository that contains the starter code is named proj3-starter.

An abridged version of the commands is reproduced below:

cd ~                            # Make sure you are outside of any existing repositories (eg. ~/work)
git clone https://bitbucket.org/mybitbucketusername/proj3-xxx-yyy.git
cd proj3-xxx-yyy
git remote add proj3-starter https://github.com/cs61c-fall2015/proj3-starter.git
git fetch proj3-starter
git merge proj3-starter/proj3-1 -m "merge proj3-1 skeleton code"

1) Register File

Your task is to implement all 32 registers promised by the MIPS ISA. Your regfile should be able to write to or read from any register specified in a given MIPS instruction without affecting any other registers, with one notable exception: your regfile should NOT write to $0, even if an instruction should try. Remember that the Zero Register should ALWAYS have the value 0x0000.

You are provided with the skeleton of a register file in regfile.circ. The register file circuit has six inputs:

Input Name Bit Width Description
Clock 1 Input providing the clock. This signal can be sent into subcircuits or attached directly to the clock inputs of memory units in Logisim, but should not otherwise be gated (i.e., do not invert it, do not "and" it with anything, etc.).
Write Enable 1 Determines whether data is written on the next rising edge of the clock.
Read Register 1 5 Determines which register's value is sent to the Read Data 1 output, see below.
Read Register 2 5 Determines which register's value is sent to the Read Data 2 output, see below.
Write Register 5 Determines which register to set to the value of Write Data on the next rising edge of the clock, assuming that Write Enable is a 1.
Write Data 32 Determines what data to write to the register identified by the Write Register input on the next rising edge of the clock, assuming that Write Enable is 1.

The register file also has the following six outputs:

Output Name Bit Width Description
Read Data 1 32 Driven with the value of the register identified by the Read Register 1 input.
Read Data 2 32 Driven with the value of the register identified by the Read Register 2 input.
$s0 Value 32 Always driven with the value of $s0 (This is a DEBUG/TEST output.)
$s1 Value 32 Always driven with the value of $s1 (This is a DEBUG/TEST output.)
$s2 Value 32 Always driven with the value of $s2 (This is a DEBUG/TEST output.)
$ra Value 32 Always driven with the value of $ra (This is a DEBUG/TEST output.)

The outputs $s0-$s2 and $ra are not present because those registers are more special than the others - they are for testing and debugging purposes, and will be used in the autograder tests! If you were implementing a real regfile, you would omit those outputs. In our case, be sure they are included correctly! If they are not, we won't be able to grade your submission (and you'll get a zero. :( ).

If you've looked ahead to the ISA, you may notice that in part 2, we'll be implementing multu, divu, mfhi and mflo, which use the $hi and $lo registers. These registers will not be in your regfile - they do not have a name between $0 and $31, and only the CPU can write to them. You will implement them in part 2 of the project!

You can make any modifications to regfile.circ you want, but the outputs must obey the behavior specified above. In addition, your regfile.circ that you submit must fit into the regfile-harness.circ file we have provided for you. This means that you should take care to not reorder inputs or outputs. If you need more space, however, you can move them around if you are careful and maintain their relative positioning to each other. To verify your changes didn't break anything, simply open regfile-harness.circ and ensure there are no errors and the circuit functions well. We will be using a similar file to test your register file for grading, so you should download a fresh copy of regfile-harness.circ and make sure your regfile.circ is cleanly loaded before submitting.

2) Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)

Your task is to create an ALU that supports all the operations needed by the instructions in our ISA (which is described in further detail in the next section). The ISA mostly consists of instructions from the MIPS ISA, but note that there are a few new functions! Your ALU will need to support the operations required for these as well. Fortunately, you don't have to try to figure out all the required operations as we simply provide the list to you.

We have provided a skeleton of an ALU for you in alu.circ. It has three inputs:

Input Name Bit Width Description
X 32 Data to use for X in the ALU operation.
Y 32 Data to use for Y in the ALU operation.
Switch 4 Selects what operation the ALU should perform
(see the list of operations with corresponding switch values below).

... and four outputs:

Output Name Bit Width Description
Signed Overflow 1 High iff the operation was an add or sub and there was signed overflow.
Equal 1 High iff the two inputs X and Y are equal.
Result 32 Result of the ALU Operation.
Result 2 32 Second result of the ALU Operation. For use by multu and divu. Zero for all other operations.

And as previously promised, here is the list of operations that you need to implement (along with their associated Switch values):

Switch Value Instruction
0 sll: Result = X << Y
1 srl: Result = X >>> Y
2 sra: Result = X >> Y
3 multu: Result = (X * Y)[31:0]; Result2 = (X * Y)[63:32]
4 divu: Result = X/Y; Result2 = X%Y
5 add: Result = X + Y (Set Signed Overflow if overflow)
6 addu: Result = X + Y
7 sub: Result = X - Y (Set Signed Overflow if overflow)
8 subu: Result = X - Y
9 and: Result = X & Y
10 or: Result = X | Y
11 slt: Result = (X < Y) ? 1 : 0 Signed
12 sltu: Result = (X < Y) ? 1 : 0 Unsigned

Some additional things to keep in mind:

Note: Your ALU must be able to fit in the provided harness alu_harness.circ Follow the same instructions as the register file regarding rearranging inputs and outputs of the ALU. In particular, you should ensure that your ALU is correctly loaded by a fresh copy of alu-harness.circ before you submit.

Instruction Set Architecture (ISA)

Your CPU will support the instructions listed below. In all of the instructions you recognize from MIPS, the instruction format, opcode, funct, and register numbers should be taken directly from your greensheet. Notice that not all of the native MIPS functions are listed in the CORE INSRUCTION SET section of the greensheet - you may also need to look in the ARITHMETIC CORE INSTRUCTION SET section, and in the OPCODES, BASE CONVERSION, ASCII SYMBOLS table on the back! There will also be a few instruction that are foreign to MIPS: specifications for these new instructions will follow in part II.

Instruction Format
Add add $rd, $rs, $rt
Add Immediate addi $rt, $rs, immediate
Add Immediate Unsigned addiu $rt, $rs, immediate
Add Unsigned addu $rd, $rs, $rt
And and $rd, $rs, $rt
And Immediate andi $rt, $rs, immediate
Branch on Equal beq $rs, $rt, label
Branch on Equal and Link NEW! beqal $rs, $rt, label
Branch on Equal and Link Register NEW! beqalr $rs, $rt, $rd
Branch on Not Equal bne $rs, $rt, label
Divide Unsigned divu $rs, $rt
Jump j label
Jump and Link jal label
Jump Register jr $rs
Load Byte lb $rt, offset($rs)
Load Byte Unsigned lbu $rt, offset($rs)
Load Halfword Unsigned lhu $rt, offset($rs)
Load Upper Immediate lui $rt, immediate
Load Word lw $rt, offset($rs)
Multiply Unsigned multu $rs, $rt
Move from Hi mfhi $rd
Move from Lo mflo $rd
Or or $rd, $rs, $rt
Or Immediate ori $rt, $rs, immediate
Set Less Than slt $rd, $rs, $rt
Set Less Than Immediate slti $rt, $rs, immediate
Set Less Than Immediate Unsigned sltiu $rt, $rs, immediate
Set Less Than Unsigned sltu $rd, $rs, $rt
Shift Left Logical sll $rd, $rt, shamt
Shift Right Arithmetic sra $rd, $rt, shamt
Shift Right Logical srl $rd, $rt, shamt
Store Byte sb $rt, offset($rs)
Store Halfword sh $rt, offset($rs)
Store Word sw $rt, offset($rs)
Store Word and Increment NEW! swinc $rt, offset($rs)
Sub sub $rd, $rs, $rt
Sub Unsigned subu $rd, $rs, $rt

Logisim Notes

If you are having trouble with Logisim, RESTART IT and RELOAD your circuit! Don't waste your time chasing a bug that is not your fault. However, if restarting doesn't solve the problem, it is more likely that the bug is a flaw in your project. Please post to Piazza about any crazy bugs that you find and we will investigate.

Things to Look Out For

Logisim's Combinational Analysis Feature

Logisim offers some functionality for automating circuit implementation given a truth table, or vice versa. Though not disallowed (enforcing such a requirement is impractical), use of this feature is discouraged. Remember that you will not be allowed to have a laptop running Logisim on the final.


For part 1, we have provided you with a bash script called run-sanity-test.sh in the project directory as well as a few test files in tests. Running run-sanity-test.sh will copy your alu and regfile into the tests directory and run two ALU tests and two Regfile test. These tests drop in your work into a very slightly modified version of the harness and run it with a small set of inputs. The output is then compared against the provided reference which came from running the staff solution. Keep in mind, as always, that these tests are not comprehensive, so take a look at how ALU-addu.circ and regfile-insert.circ are created to see how you can make your own tests. Basically, you'll want to come up with the values to put inside the different memory units to exercise different behaviours of the ALU and RegFile.

Note: the autograder only works with python 2.7, so it may be easier to run it remotely off of the hive* servers if you haven't set up your python environments.


There are two steps required to submit proj3-1. Failure to perform both steps will result in loss of credit:

  1. First, you must submit using the standard unix submit program on the instructional servers. This assumes that you followed the earlier instructions and did all of your work inside of your git repository. To submit, follow these instructions after logging into your -XX class account:

    cd ~/proj3-XX-YY                             # Or where your shared git repo is
    submit proj3-1

    Once you type submit proj3-1, follow the prompts generated by the submission system. It will tell you when your submission has been successful and you can confirm this by looking at the output of glookup -t.

  2. Additionally, you must submit proj3-1 to your shared Bitbucket repository:

    cd ~/proj3-XX-YY                             # Or where your shared git repo is
    git add -u                           
    git commit -m "project 3-1 submission"  
    git tag "proj3-1-sub"                        # The tag MUST be "proj3-1-sub". Failure to do so will result in loss of credit.
    git push origin proj3-1-sub                  # This tells git to push the commit tagged proj3-1-sub


If you need to re-submit, you can follow the same set of steps that you would if you were submitting for the first time, but you will need to use the -f flag to tag and push to Bitbucket:

# Do everything as above until you get to tagging
git tag -f "proj3-1-sub"
git push -f origin proj3-1-sub

Note that in general, force pushes should be used with caution. They will overwrite your remote repository with information from your local copy. As long as you have not damaged your local copy in any way, this will be fine.



We will be using our own versions of the *-harness.circ files, so you do not need to submit those. In addition, you should not depend on any changes you make to those files.


This project will be graded in large part by an autograder. Readers will also glance at your circuits. If some of your tests fail the readers will look to see if there is a simple wiring problem. If they can find one, they will give you the new score from the autograder minus a deduction based on the severity of the wiring problem. For this reason, neatness is a small part of your grade - please try to make your circuits neat and readable.