CS 61C (Fall 2007)

Quiz 26

Four questions, submit as "quiz26".  Due 2:45pm before lecture 10/31/2007.

The questions in this week's quiz are all derivations of exercises 5.2 and 5.3 from P&H.

Describe the effects that a stuck-at-0 (or 1) fault (where the relevant signal is always 0 or 1 regardless of what it should be) would have for the signals below, in the single-cycle datapath of Figure 5.17 of P&H. Which instructions from the proj4 list (note that we refer only to the subset of those instructions which are implemented in Figure 5.17), if any, will cease to operate?

For each fault, give a comma separated list of those instructions which will fail.  See template.txt


RegWrite stuck-at-0.


ALUOp0 stuck-at-0.


ALUOp1 stuck-at-1.


MemWrite stuck-at-1.