CS 61C (Fall 2007)

Quiz 18

Four questions, submit as "quiz18".  Due 2:45pm before lecture 10/10/2007.

There are five kinds of programs involved in compiling and executing code, as mentioned in P&H 2.10 (mostly p108).  They are listed below.
  1. Compiler
  2. Assembler
  3. Linker
  4. Loader
  5. Interpreter


Which of these five kinds of programs (more than one may apply) kinds of programs is your solution to proj3? Very briefly justify your answer.


Which of the above five kinds of programs (more than one may apply) is MARS? Very briefly justify your answer.


Which of the above five kinds of programs (more than one may apply) is the command gcc x.c -o x.o? Very briefly justify your answer.


Which of the above five kinds of programs (more than one may apply) is the command gcc x.c y.c z.c -o executable? Very briefly justify your answer.