Problem Wording

Some files:
html_parser.c (the file you have to fill up)

A HW FAQ distilled from the newsgroup.

Oracles: Executables that do the right thing, so that you can compare your code to. We provide versions for:
Revision history (a Dustin Li idea):
Version Date Comments
200409211827 Sep 21 2004, 6:27pm Got rid of a confusing comment in the specs (PDF wording)
200409211059 Sep 21 2004, 10:59am Fixed typo in wording: you must submit a file called html_parser.c (not html_parse.c), which when calling make must produce a binary called html_parse (PDF wording)
200409201210 Sep 20 2004, 12:10pm Explicited that empty tags should cause abnormal exit in the FSM diagram (PDF wording)
200409191700 Sep 19 2004, 5:00pm Fixed some typos in the PDF wording. Also, added a ``don't print anything policy if the HTML file has no tags'' to the wording. Changed maximum length of tag to 1023 chars (it was 1024) to account for the NULL char.
200409181738 Sep 18 2004, 5:38pm The SunOS versions were still old (the Linux and FreeBSD versions were OK)
200409181640 Sep 18 2004, 4:40pm First version from which there is a revision history

An example HTML file you can try, with its corresponding output