/* This code was slapped together during section to help answer a few questions about static (class) variables, "this", and inner classes. This code doesn't do anything important and the names are particularly ugly. It's included here in case anyone wants to experiment with it further. */ public class stuff00 { public static void main(String [] args) { foo(); stuff00 thingy = new stuff00("thingy"); thingy.bar(true); stuff00.s = 3; foo(); thingy.s = 4; foo(); } public class Inner { } private String name; stuff00(String name0) { this.name = name0; } public void bar(boolean printThing) { if (printThing) { System.out.println("foo says s=" + this.s); System.out.println(this.name); } } private static int s = 0; public static void foo() { System.out.println("foo says s=" + s); } }