Lab 8:

Assignment, State and Environment

We ordinarily view the world as populated by independent objects, each of which has a state that changes over time. An object is said to "have state" if its behavior is influenced by its history. A bank account, for example, has state in that the answer to the question "Can I withdraw $100?" depends upon the history of deposit and withdrawal transactions. We can characterize an object's state by one or more state variables, which among them maintain enough information about history to determine the object's current behavior. In a simple banking system, we could characterize the state of an account by a current balance rather than by remembering the entire history of account transactions.

In a system composed of many objects, the objects are rarely completely independent. Each may influence the states of others through interactions, which serve to couple the state variables of one object to those of other objects. Indeed, the view that a system is composed of separate objects is most useful when the state variables of the system can be grouped into closely coupled subsystems that are only loosely coupled to other subsystems.

This view of a system can be a powerful framework for organizing computational models of the system. For such a model to be modular, it should be decomposed into computational objects that model the actual objects in the system. Each computational object must have its own local state variables describing the actualobject's state. Since the states of objects in the system being modeled change over time, the state variables of the corresponding computational objects must also change. If we choose to model the flow of time in the system by the elapsed time in the computer, then we must have a way to construct computational objects whose behaviors change as our programs run. In particular, if we wish to model state variables by ordinary symbolic names in the programming language, then the language must provide an assignment operator to enable us to change the value associated with a name.


finish this during section


Type the following command at the terminal to copy the template file to the current directory:

cp ~cs61as/autograder/templates/hw8.scm .

Exercise 1.

Given below is a simplified version of the make-account procedure on page 223 of Abelson and Sussman.

(define (make-account balance) 
  (define (withdraw amount) 
    (set! balance (- balance amount)) balance) 
  (define (deposit amount) 
    (set! balance (+ balance amount)) balance) 
  (define (dispatch msg) 
      ((eq? msg 'withdraw) withdraw) 
      ((eq? msg 'deposit) deposit) ) ) 

Fill in the blank in the following code so that the result works exactly the same as the make-account procedure above, that is, responds to the same messages and produces the same return values. The differences between the two procedures are that the inside of make-account above is enclosed in the let below, and the names of the parameter to make-account are different.

(define (make-account init-amount) 
  (let (    YOUR CODE HERE    ) 
    (define (withdraw amount) 
      (set! balance (- balance amount)) balance) 
    (define (deposit amount) 
      (set! balance (+ balance amount)) balance) 
    (define (dispatch msg) 
        ((eq? msg 'withdraw) withdraw) 
        ((eq? msg 'deposit) deposit) ) ) 
    dispatch) ) 

Exercise 2.

Modify either version of make-account so that, given the message balance, it returns the current account balance, and given the message init-balance, it returns the amount with which the account was initially created. For example:

> (define acc (make-account 100)) 
> (acc 'balance) 

Exercise 3.

Modify make-account so that, given the message transactions, it returns a list of all transactions made since the account was opened. For example:

> (define acc (make-account 100)) 
> ((acc 'withdraw) 50) 
> ((acc 'deposit) 10) 
> (acc 'transactions) 
((withdraw 50) (deposit 10))

Exercise 4.

Given this definition:

(define (plus1 var) 
  (set! var (+ var 1)) 

Show the result of computing

(plus1 5)

using the substitution model. That is, show the expression that results from substituting 5 for var in the body of plus1, and then compute the value of the resulting expression. What is the actual result from Scheme?

Exercise 5.

This lab activity consists of example programs for you to run in Scheme. Predict the result before you try each example. If you don't understand what Scheme actually does, ask for help! Don't waste your time by just typing this in without paying attention to the results.

(define (make-adder n)                       ((lambda (x) 
  (lambda (x) (+ x n)))                         (let ((a 3)) 
                                                  (+ x a))) 
(make-adder 3)                                5) 
((make-adder 3) 5)                           (define k 
                                               (let ((a 3)) 
(define (f x) (make-adder 3))                    (lambda (x) (+ x a)))) 
(f 5)                                        (k 5) 
(define g (make-adder 3))                    (define m 
                                               (lambda (x) 
(g 5)                                            (let ((a 3)) 
                                                   (+ x a)))) 
(define (make-funny-adder n)        
  (lambda (x)                                (m 5) 
    (if (equal? x 'new)             
        (set! n (+ n 1))                     (define p 
        (+ x n))))                             (let ((a 3)) 
                                                 (lambda (x) 
(define h (make-funny-adder 3))                    (if (equal? x 'new) 
                                                       (set! a (+ a 1)) 
(define j (make-funny-adder 7))                        (+ x a))))) 
(h 5)                                        (p 5) 
(h 5)                                        (p 5) 
(h 'new)                                     (p 'new) 
(h 5)                                        (p 5) 
(j 5)                                        (define r 
                                               (lambda (x) 
(let ((a 3))                                     (let ((a 3)) 
  (+ 5 a))                                         (if (equal? x 'new) 
                                                       (set! a (+ a 1)) 
(let ((a 3))                                           (+ x a))))) 
  (lambda (x) (+ x a)))             
                                             (r 5) 
((let ((a 3))                       
   (lambda (x) (+ x a)))                     (r 5) 
                                             (r 'new) 
                                             (r 5)                 
(define s                                    (define (ask obj msg . args) 
  (let ((a 3))                                 (apply (obj msg) args)) 
    (lambda (msg)                             
      (cond ((equal? msg 'new)               (ask s 'add 5) 
             (lambda ()                       
               (set! a (+ a 1))))            (ask s 'new) 
            ((equal? msg 'add)                
             (lambda (x) (+ x a)))           (ask s 'add 5) 
            (else (error "huh?"))))))         
                                             (define x 5) 
(s 'add)                                      
                                             (let ((x 10) 
(s 'add 5)                                         (f (lambda (y) (+ x y)))) 
                                               (f 7)) 
((s 'add) 5)                                  
                                             (define x 5) 
(s 'new)                                      
((s 'add) 5)                                  
((s 'new))                                    
((s 'add) 5) 


do this in section if possible; finish the rest at home

Exercise 6.

Complete the following:

Abelson & Sussman, exercises 3.3, 3.4, 3.7, 3.8, 3.10 3.11

Note: For 3.3 and 3.4, you should create a function called make-password-account instead of make-account.

Exercise 7.

Do the following reading:

Project 3

Finish this before the deadline. Apart from that, we don't care when.

Start project 3. Instructions are linked on the course webpage.

Extra for Experts

Do this if you want to. This is NOT for credit.

Exercise 8.

The purpose of the environment model is to represent the scope of variables; when you see an x in a program, which variable x does it mean?

Another way to solve this problem would be to rename all the local variables so that there are never two variables with the same name. Write a procedure unique-rename that takes a (quoted) lambda expression as its argument, and returns an equivalent lambda expression with the variables renamed to be unique:

> (unique-rename '(lambda (x) (lambda (y) (x (lambda (x) (y x))))))
(lambda (g1) (lambda (g2) (g1 (lambda (g3) (g2 g3)))))

Note that the original expression had two variables named x, and in the returned expression it's clear from the names which is which. You'll need a modified counter object to generate the unique names.

You may assume that there are no quote, let, or define expressions, so that every symbol is a variable reference, and variables are created only by lambda.

Describe how you'd use unique-rename to allow the evaluation of Scheme programs with only a single (global) frame.