CS 61A

Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs summer 2014


We're trying lots of new things this semester, and we are not kidding when we say that student feedback is extremely important to us. We know a lot of the time, students have issues or concerns that they're afraid to report for fear of consequences. We don't ever want our students to feel that way - these forms are always confidential, always read, and always addressed.

(Although do feel free to use these forms to report positive experiences, too! We really appreciate that.)

Lecturer Feedback Form

Use this to report a particularly positive or particularly negative experience with Andrew or Rohin. Only the head TA (Ajeya) will see your submissions

TA Feedback Form

Use this to report a particularly positive or particularly negative experience with a TA. Only Andrew and Rohin will see your submissions

Reader Feedback Form

Use this to report a particularly positive or particularly negative experience with a Reader. Only Andrew and Rohin will see your submissions

Lab Assistant Feedback Form

Use this to report a particularly positive or particularly negative experience with a lab assistant. Only the lecturers and TAs will see your submissions.

Grading Complaint Form

Use this report if you think your grades are incorrect in any way. A staff member will review your report some time during the week.