Q: Where did you grow up? What was your path to Cal? A: Grew up in San Antonio, TX. Wanted to go out of state - Texas was too hot. I went to Cal unsure of what to major in, took CS3 (which is a course similar to what CS10 is now), and decided to do CS. I graduated from Cal last December, and I am returning to Cal this fall to begin a PhD in psychometrics. Q: How much programming have you done (and what languages)? A: From coursework, I learned Scheme, Python, Java, C, Objective-C, and R (from statistics courses). In paid work, I've used a lot of JavaScript (jQuery), HTML, and C#. Q: What are your hobbies? What are some of your talents and skills? A: I like to play basketball at the RSF. Occasionally, I like to boulder, which is like rock climbing but without a harness. I plan to get better at racquetball this coming school year. Q: Have you done anything remarkable? Has anything memorable happened to you? A: I once ice skated with Kristi Yamaguchi, during my freshman year at Cal. In high school, I was Homecoming King, which is pretty cool because football is really popular in Texas, and a football star usually wins it. More recently, I was accepted to the Quantitative Methods and Evaluation (QME) PhD program in the Education school here at Berkeley. That was pretty memorable, as Berkeley is my number one choice and is a great fit for me. My undergraduate career at Berkeley was fantastic, and I'm truly glad to be back for a few more years. Q: What commitments will be consuming your cycles this summer? A: Doing part time work for eMetric, a company that provides web solutions for K-12 assessment needs.