import re import sys import traceback from io import StringIO from ucb import main, trace from scheme_tokens import * from scheme_utils import * from scheme_primitives import * # Name of file containing Scheme definitions. SCHEME_PRELUDE_FILE = "scheme_prelude.scm" class PrimitiveFunction(SchemeValue): """A Scheme function implemented directly in Python.""" def __init__(self, func): """The function that applies Python function FUNC to its operands.""" self.func = func def type_name(self): return "primitive procedure" def apply_step(self, args, evaluation): "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" evaluation.set_value(FALSE) def __repr__(self): return "PrimitiveFunction({0})".format(repr(self.func)) class LambdaFunction(SchemeValue): """A function defined by lambda expression or the complex define form.""" def __init__(self, formals, body, env): """A function whose formal parameter list is FORMALS (in Scheme format), whose body is the single Scheme expression BODY, and whose environment is the EnvironFrame ENV. A lambda expression containing multiple expressions, such as (lambda (x) (set! y x) (+ x 1)) can be handled by using (begin (set! y x) (+ x 1)) as the body.""" self.formals = formals self.body = body self.env = env def type_name(self): return "closure" def apply_step(self, args, evaluation): "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" evaluation.set_expr(FALSE) def write(self, out): print("<(lambda ", file=out, end='') self.formals.write(out) print(" ", end='', file=out) self.body.write(out) print("), {0}>".format(repr(self.env)), file=out, end='') def __repr__(self): return "LambdaFunction({0}, {1}, {2})" \ .format(repr(self.formals), repr(self.body), repr(self.env)) class EnvironFrame: """An environment frame, representing a mapping from Scheme symbols to Scheme values, possibly enclosed within another frame.""" def __init__(self, enclosing): """An empty frame that is attached to the frame ENCLOSING.""" self.inner = {} self.enclosing = enclosing def __getitem__(self, sym): return self.find(sym).inner[sym] def __setitem__(self, sym, val): self.find(sym).inner[sym] = val def __repr__(self): if self.enclosing is None: return "".format(hex(id(self))) else: return " {1}>".format(hex(id(self)), repr(self.enclosing)) def find(self, sym): """The environment frame at or enclosing SELF that defined SYM. It is an error if it does not exist.""" e = self while e is not None: if sym in e.inner: return e e = e.enclosing raise SchemeError("unknown identifier: {0}".format(str(sym))) def make_call_frame(self, formals, vals): """A new local frame attached to SELF in which the symbols in the Scheme formal parameter list FORMALS are bound to the Scheme values in the Python list VALS. FORMALS has either of the formats allowed by the Evaluation.check_formals method. If the last cdr in FORMALS is a null list (that is, if FORMALS is an ordinary Scheme list), then the number of formals must be the same as the number of VALS, and each symbol in FORMALS is bound to the corresponding value in VALS. If the last cdr in FORMALS is a symbol, then the number of values in VALS must be at least as large as the number of preceding ("normal") formal symbols, and the last formal symbol is bound to a Scheme list containing the remaining values in VALS (which may be 0).""" "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" return EnvironFrame(self) def define(self, sym, val): """Define Scheme symbol SYM to have value VAL in SELF.""" self.inner[sym] = val class Evaluation: """An Evaluation represents the information needed to evaluate an expression: the expression and the environment in which it is to be evaluated. The step method performs at least part of the evaluation of the expression, either leaving behind the final value, or else another intermediate expression and environment to be further evaluated.""" def __init__(self, expr, env): """An evaluation of EXPR in the environment ENV.""" self.expr = expr self.env = env self.value = None def set_value(self, value): """Set the value of SELF to VALUE, completing the evaluation.""" assert value is not None self.expr = None self.value = value def set_expr(self, expr, env = None): """Replace SELF's expression with EXPR. If ENV is non-null, replace the environment in which EXPR is being evaluated with ENV.""" self.expr = expr if env is not None: self.env = env def evaluated(self): """True iff this evaluation is finished.""" return self.value is not None def step(self): """Either complete SELF's computation, causing all remaining side effects and producing a value, or else partially perform the remaining computation, leaving SELF with an expression and environment that denote the remaining computation.""" expr = self.expr if expr.symbolp(): "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" self.set_value(FALSE) elif expr.atomp(): self.set_value(expr) elif not scm_listp(expr): raise SchemeError("malformed list: {0}".format(str(self))) else: op = if op.symbolp(): Evaluation.SPECIAL_FORMS.get(op, Evaluation.do_call_form)(self) else: self.do_call_form() def full_eval(self, expr, env = None): """The value of EXPR when evaluated in environment ENV (SELF.env by default.""" return Evaluation(expr, env or self.env).step_to_value() def step_to_value(self): """Perform evaluation steps on SELF until a value is reached.""" while not self.evaluated(): self.step() return self.value # Special forms. Each of these methods is called when # SELF.expr apparently contains the kind of special form the method # handles. It checks the syntactic validity of the form, and partially # evaluates it, either leaving the final value or an expression # that carries out the rest of the computation. def do_quote_form(self): self.check_form(2, 2) self.set_value( def do_lambda_form(self): self.check_form(3) self.check_formals( "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" self.set_value(FALSE) def do_if_form(self): self.check_form(4, 4) cond = self.full_eval( "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" self.set_expr(FALSE) def do_and_form(self): self.check_form(1) if self.expr.length() == 1: self.set_value(TRUE) return "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" self.set_expr(FALSE) def do_or_form(self): self.check_form(1) if self.expr.length() == 1: self.set_value(FALSE) return "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" self.set_expr(FALSE) def do_cond_form(self): self.check_form(1) num_clauses = self.expr.length() for i in range(1, num_clauses): clause = self.expr.nth(i) self.check_form(1, expr = clause) if is self._ELSE_SYM and i == num_clauses-1: test = TRUE if clause.cdr.nullp(): raise SchemeError("badly formed else clause") else: "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" test = FALSE if test: if clause.length() == 1: self.set_value(test) elif is self._ARROW_SYM: "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" self.set_expr(FALSE) else: for i in range(1, clause.length() - 1): self.full_eval(clause.nth(i)) self.set_expr(clause.nth(clause.length()-1)) return self.set_value(UNSPEC) def do_set_bang_form(self): self.check_form(3, 3) "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" self.set_value(UNSPEC) def do_define_form(self): self.check_form(3) target = self.expr.nth(1) if target.symbolp(): self.check_form(3,3) "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" self.set_value(UNSPEC) elif not target.pairp(): raise SchemeError("bad argument to define") else: self.check_formals(target.cdr) "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" self.set_value(UNSPEC) def do_begin_form(self): self.check_form(2) for k in range(1, self.expr.length()-1): self.full_eval(self.expr.nth(k)) self.set_expr(self.expr.nth(self.expr.length()-1)) def do_let_form(self): self.check_form(3) bindings = exprs = self.expr.cdr.cdr if not scm_listp(bindings): raise SchemeError("bad bindings list in let form") symbols = NULL vals = [] "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" let_frame = self.env.make_call_frame(symbols, vals) for i in range(0, exprs.length()-1): self.full_eval(, let_frame) exprs = exprs.cdr self.set_expr(, let_frame) # Extra credit def do_let_star_form(self): self.check_form(3) "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" self.set_value(UNSPEC) def do_case_form(self): self.check_form(2) "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" self.set_value(UNSPEC) # Symbols that are used in special forms. _AND_SYM = Symbol.string_to_symbol("and") _ARROW_SYM = Symbol.string_to_symbol("=>") _BEGIN_SYM = Symbol.string_to_symbol("begin") _CASE_SYM = Symbol.string_to_symbol("case") _COND_SYM = Symbol.string_to_symbol("cond") _DEFINE_SYM = Symbol.string_to_symbol("define") _ELSE_SYM = Symbol.string_to_symbol("else") _IF_SYM = Symbol.string_to_symbol("if") _LAMBDA_SYM = Symbol.string_to_symbol("lambda") _LET_SYM = Symbol.string_to_symbol("let") _LET_STAR_SYM = Symbol.string_to_symbol("let*") _OR_SYM = Symbol.string_to_symbol("or") _QUOTE_SYM = Symbol.string_to_symbol("quote") _SET_BANG_SYM = Symbol.string_to_symbol("set!") # Mapping of symbols that introduce special forms to the methods that # handle the forms. SPECIAL_FORMS = { _AND_SYM : do_and_form, _BEGIN_SYM : do_begin_form, _CASE_SYM : do_case_form, _COND_SYM : do_cond_form, _DEFINE_SYM : do_define_form, _IF_SYM : do_if_form, _LAMBDA_SYM : do_lambda_form, _LET_SYM : do_let_form, _LET_STAR_SYM: do_let_star_form, _OR_SYM : do_or_form, _QUOTE_SYM : do_quote_form, _SET_BANG_SYM: do_set_bang_form, } # Function calls def do_call_form(self): self.check_form(1) op = self.full_eval( "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" op.apply_step([], self) # Utility methods for checking the structure of Scheme values that # represent programs. def check_form(self, min, max = None, expr = None): """Check EXPR (default SELF.expr) is a proper list whose length is at least MIN and no more than MAX (default: no maximum). Raises a SchemeError if this is not the case.""" if expr is None: expr = self.expr if not scm_listp(expr): raise SchemeError("badly formed expression") L = expr.length() if L < min: raise SchemeError("too few operands in form") elif max is not None and L > max: raise SchemeError("too many operands in form") @staticmethod def check_formals(formal_list): """Check that FORMAL_LIST is a valid parameter list having either the form (sym1 sym2 ... symn) or else (sym1 sym2 ... symn . symrest), where each symx is a distinct symbol.""" "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" pass def scm_eval(sexpr): # To begin with, this function simply returns SEXPR unchanged, without # doing any evaluation. This allows you to test your solution to # problem 1: the interpreter will just echo all the expressions in your # input when you type # python3 tests.scm # (or other file full of Scheme expressions). When you are finished # with Problem 1, replace the return statement below with # return Evaluation(sexpr, the_global_environment).step_to_value() # which is what evaluation is supposed to do. return sexpr def scm_apply(func, arg0, *other_args): """If OTHER_ARGS is empty, apply the function value FUNC to the argument list in ARG0 (a Scheme list). Otherwise, the values of ARG0 and all but the last value in OTHER_ARGS are first added (with scm_cons) to the beginning of the last argument in OTHER_ARGS (which must be a Scheme list), and then passed to the value of FUNC.""" if other_args: check_type(other_args[-1], scm_listp, len(other_args), 'apply') args = [arg0] for i in range(len(other_args)-1): args.append(other_args[i]) rest = other_args[-1] else: check_type(arg0, scm_listp, 0, 'apply') args = [] rest = arg0 while not rest.nullp(): args.append( rest = rest.cdr evaluation = Evaluation(None, None) func.apply_step(args, evaluation) return evaluation.step_to_value() def call_with_input_file(filename, proc): """Temporarily set the current input port to the file named by FILENAME, (a string) and call PROC. Always restores the input port when done.""" with scheme_open(filename) as inp: call_with_input_source(inp, proc) def call_with_input_source(source, proc): """Temporarily set the current input port to read lines from the SOURCE (an iterator returning lines or a string). Always restores the input port when done.""" global input_port input_port0 = input_port try: input_port = Buffer(tokenize_lines(source)) proc() finally: input_port = input_port0 def read_eval_print(prompt = None): """Read and evaluate from the current input port until the end of file. If PROMPT is not None, use it to prompt for input and print values of each expression.""" while True: try: if prompt is not None: print(prompt, end = "") sys.stdout.flush() expr = scm_read() if expr is THE_EOF_OBJECT: return val = scm_eval(expr) if prompt is not None and val is not UNSPEC: scm_write(val) scm_newline() except SchemeError as exc: if not exc.args[0]: print("Error", file=sys.stderr) else: print("Error: {0}".format(exc.args[0]), file=sys.stderr) sys.stderr.flush() def scm_read(): def read_tail(): """Assuming that input is positioned inside a Scheme list or pair, immediately before a final parenthesis or another item in the list, return the remainder of the list from that point. Thus, returns (2 3) when positioned at the carat in "(1 ^ 2 3)", returns () when positioned at the carat in "(1 2 3 ^ )", and returns the pair (2 . 3) when positioned at the carat in (1 ^ 2 . 3).""" if input_port.current is None: raise SchemeError("unexpected EOF") syntax, val = input_port.current "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" input_port.pop(); return NULL return Pair(first, rest) if input_port.current is None: return THE_EOF_OBJECT syntax, val = input_port.pop() if syntax == NUMERAL: return Number(val) elif syntax == BOOLEAN: return boolify(val) elif syntax == SYMBOL: return Symbol.string_to_symbol(val) elif syntax == "'": "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" return FALSE elif syntax == "(": return read_tail() else: raise SchemeError("unexpected token: {0}".format(repr(val))) def scm_load(sym): check_type(sym, scm_symbolp, 0, "load") call_with_input_file(str(sym), read_eval_print) return UNSPEC ## ## Initialization ## _PRIMITIVES = ( ("eqv?", scm_eqvp), ("eq?", scm_eqp), ("equal?", scm_equalp), ("atom?", scm_atomp), ("pair?", scm_pairp), ("null?", scm_nullp), ("list?", scm_listp), ("cons", scm_cons), ("car", scm_car), ("cdr", scm_cdr), ("length", scm_length), ("set-car!", scm_set_car), ("set-cdr!", scm_set_cdr), ("list", scm_list), ("append", scm_append), ("integer?", scm_integerp), ("+", scm_add), ("-", scm_sub), ("*", scm_mul), ("/", scm_div), ("quotient", scm_quo), ("modulo", scm_modulo), ("remainder", scm_remainder), ("floor", scm_floor), ("ceil", scm_ceil), ("<", scm_lt), (">", scm_gt), ("=", scm_eq), ("<=", scm_le), (">=", scm_ge), ("boolean?", scm_booleanp), ("not", scm_not), ("symbol?", scm_symbolp), ("write", scm_write), ("display", scm_display), ("newline", scm_newline), ("read", scm_read), ("load", scm_load), ("eval", scm_eval), ("apply", scm_apply), ("error", scm_error), (["exit", "bye"], scm_exit), ("word", sscm_word), ("first", sscm_first), (["bf", "butfirst"], sscm_butfirst), ("last", sscm_last), (["bl", "butlast"], sscm_butlast), (["sentence", "se"], sscm_sentence), (['forward', 'fd'], tscm_forward), (['backward', 'back', 'bk'], tscm_backward), (['right', 'rt'], tscm_right), (['left', 'lt'], tscm_left), ('circle', tscm_circle), (['setpos', 'setposition', 'goto'], tscm_setposition), (['seth', 'setheading'], tscm_setheading), (['penup', 'pu'], tscm_penup), (['pendown', 'pd'], tscm_pendown), (['showturtle', 'st'], tscm_showturtle), (['hideturtle', 'ht'], tscm_hideturtle), ('clear', tscm_clear), ('color', tscm_color), ('begin_fill', tscm_begin_fill), ('end_fill', tscm_end_fill), ('exitonclick', tscm_exitonclick), ('speed', tscm_speed), ) def define_primitives(frame, bindings): """Enter each of the (name, function) bindings in BINDINGS into FRAME, an environment frame.""" for names, func in bindings: if type(names) is str: names = (names,) for name in names: frame.define(Symbol.string_to_symbol(name), PrimitiveFunction(func)) def create_global_environment(): """Initialize the_global_environment to a fresh environment defining the predefined names.""" global the_global_environment the_global_environment = EnvironFrame(None) # Uncomment the following line after you finish with Problem 4. # scm_load(Symbol.string_to_symbol(SCHEME_PRELUDE_FILE)) define_primitives(the_global_environment, _PRIMITIVES) input_port = None @main def run(*argv): global input_port if argv: try: input_file = open(argv[0]) except IOError as exc: print("could not open {0}: {1}".format(argv[0], exc.args[0]), file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) else: input_file = sys.stdin input_port = Buffer(tokenize_lines(input_file)) create_global_environment() read_eval_print("scm> ")