;;; Sanity Check Fall 2000 ;;; Sample test file ;;; This file contains example tests. Add your own at the end of the ;;; file, before the bye command. Be sure to include your results in ;;; the test-results file. See the README for more info. ; library files , berkeley.scm , etc (load "/home/aa/projects/scheme/lib/stk/site-scheme/load-simply") (load "~cs61a/lib/obj.scm") (load "logo.scm") (load "logo-meta.scm") (initialize-logo) print sum 2 3 print 2+3 print sentence word "now "here last [the invisible man] print 2+1 2+1 print [hi there] print "hello print "a\+b print "+ to factorial :n if :n=0 [output 1] output :n * factorial :n-1 end print factorial 5 print bf 104 print bf bf 104 print 7+bf 104 print (sum 2 3 4) print (3 * 4) + 5 make "foo 27 print :foo to count :increase static :counter 2+3 make "counter :counter + :increase print :counter end count 20 count 1 bye (exit) ;;; End of tests