;DEAL WITH: ; EMPTY ;CLEANUP: ; EMPTY ;POSSIBLE MESSAGES ;================= ;hello -- Used to initialize three-way handshake; client->server. ;welcome -- Lets client know server got "hello"; server->client. ;thanks -- Tells server that client is done logging in; client->server. ;goodbye -- Tells client that its connection to the server is gone; server->client. ;send-msg -- Informs server to send this message to another client; client->server. ;receive-msg -- Message to be received by client; server->client. ;logout -- Informs the server that the client is logging off; client->server. ;client-list -- List of clients logged into the server; server->client. (load "~cs61a/lib/im-common.scm") (define logging #t) ;clients variable stores all known clients. ;It's a table of entries in the format ("client name" . client-socket) (define clients-table (list '*table*)) ;Data abstraction for above: (define key car) (define value cdr) ;server variable stores the server socket (define server-socket #f) (define (add-client-to-table name sock) ;;;Add sock to the clients list bound to name ; ;Broadcasting the new client list is left up to other places in the code. ;This is done so as to function as the opposite to (remove-client-from-table). ; (if (not (assoc name (cdr clients-table))) (begin (set-cdr! clients-table (cons (cons name sock) (cdr clients-table))) #t) #f)) (define (remove-client-from-table name) ;;;Remove name from the clients list ; ;Broadcasting the new client list is left up to other places in the code. ;This is because if the server is shutting down the traffic created by ;sending a new client list after every remove client could be a issue. ; (define (helper who table) ;Remove key-value pair from table, return its value. (cond ((null? (cdr table)) #f) ((equal? who (key (cadr table))) (let ((result (value (cadr table)))) (set-cdr! table (cddr table)) result)) (else (helper who (cdr table))))) (let ((to-close-socket (helper name clients-table))) (if (not (socket-down? to-close-socket)) (begin (if (socket-input to-close-socket) (when-port-readable (socket-input to-close-socket) #f)) (socket-shutdown to-close-socket #f)))) ) (define (find-client-socket name) ;;;Return the socket bound to name; if the name does not exist, return #f (let ((result (assoc name (cdr clients-table)))) (if result (value result) #f))) (define (get-clients-list) ;;;Return a list of known client names. (map key (cdr clients-table))) (define (im-server-start) ;;;Start the server. ; ;Set! server-socket variable ;Set thunk for handling handshake with new client ; (format logging "~%Server starting...~%") (set! server-socket (make-server-socket)) (format #t "Server IP address: ~A, server port: ~A~%" (get-ip-address-as-string) (socket-port-number server-socket)) (when-socket-ready server-socket (lambda () (begin (format logging "New client connecting.~%") (handshake (socket-dup server-socket))))) (format logging "(im-server-start) done.~%~%") 'okay) (define (im-server-close) ;;;Close the server by no longer accepting connections, ; ;Remove thunk on server. ;Broadcast "goodbye" message. ;Close all client sockets. ;Close server socket. ; (format #t "Server shutting down...~%") (server-broadcast 'receive-msg "Server shutting down...") (server-broadcast 'goodbye nil) (for-each remove-client-from-table (get-clients-list)) (if (and server-socket (not (socket-down? server-socket))) (begin (when-socket-ready server-socket #f) (socket-shutdown server-socket #f))) (set! server-socket #f) (set! clients-table (list '*table*)) (display (format #f "(im-server-close) done.~%~%"))) (define (handshake sock) ;;;Handle the three-way handshake with a client. ; ;Handshaking should go as follows: ;client->server: ; request from CLIENT to server with request "hello" and data nil ;server->client: ; request from server to CLIENT with request "welcome" and data nil ;client->server: ; request from CLIENT to server with request "thanks" and data nil ; ;;Accept the socket connection (socket-accept-connection sock) (format logging "Connection accepted for ~A...~%" sock) (let* ((port-from-client (socket-input sock)) (port-to-client (socket-output sock)) (req (get-request port-from-client))) (if (not req) (socket-shutdown sock #f) (begin (format logging "Request received: ~S~%" req) ;; Check message is "hello". (cond ((not (equal? 'hello (request-action req))) (format #t "Bad request from client: ~S" req) (socket-shutdown sock #f)) ((member (request-src req) (get-clients-list)) ;; name already exists, send "sorry" to client (format logging "Sending 'sorry' to client~%") (send-request (make-request 'server (request-src req) 'sorry nil) port-to-client) (format #t "Name ~A already exists." (request-src req)) (socket-shutdown sock #f)) (else ;;Send "welcome" message back. (format logging "Sending welcome message.~%") (if (not (send-request (make-request 'server (request-src req) 'welcome nil) port-to-client)) (socket-shutdown sock #f) (begin ;; Check response is "thanks" (set! req (get-request port-from-client)) (if (not req) (socket-shutdown sock #f) (begin (format logging "Response received: ~S~%" req) (if (not (equal? 'thanks (request-action req))) (begin (format #t "Bad response from client: ~S" req) (socket-shutdown sock #f)) (begin ;; Finally, we can register the client (format logging "~A has logged on.~%" (request-src req)) (register-client (request-src req) sock) (format logging "Finished handshake~%") )) ) ))))) ))) 'okay) ;; Assumes name is not already in client list (define (register-client name sock) ;;;Store socket to client and start handling of the client socket. (format logging "~A (~A) is being registered...~%" name sock) (if (add-client-to-table name sock) (begin (format logging "clients: ~A.~%" clients-table) (setup-client-request-handler name sock) (server-broadcast 'client-list (get-clients-list)) (format logging "~A is now registered.~%~%" name)) (error "register-client: client already in table!!"))) (define (setup-client-request-handler name client-sock) ;;;Handle messages from the client. ; ;Only handles "send-msg" and "logout" messages. ; (define (client-request-handler) (let* ((port-from-client (socket-input client-sock)) (port-to-client (socket-output client-sock)) (req (get-request port-from-client))) (if (not req) (remove-client name) (begin (format logging "Received request: ~S~%" req) (cond ((equal? 'send-msg (request-action req)) (let ((port-to-dst (find-port-to-client (request-dst req)))) (if port-to-dst (begin (format logging "Delivering message from ~A to ~A.~%" (request-src req) (request-dst req)) (if (not (send-request (make-request (request-src req) (request-dst req) 'receive-msg (request-data req)) port-to-dst)) (remove-client (request-dst req)))) (begin (format logging "User not found: ~A. Letting sender know.~%" (request-dst req)) (if (not (send-request (make-request 'server name 'receive-msg (format #f "User not found: ~A" (request-dst req))) port-to-client)) (remove-client name)) ))) ) ((equal? 'logout (request-action req)) (remove-client name)) (else (format logging "Unrecognized action requested: ~A. Letting sender know.~%" (request-action req)) (if (not (send-request (make-request 'server (request-dst req) 'receive-msg (format #f "Unrecognized action: ~A" (request-action req))) port-to-client)) (remove-client name)) )))) ;; if other data ready, handle them now (if (and (not (port-closed? port-from-client)) (char-ready? port-from-client)) (client-request-handler)) )) ;; Set up the handler (when-port-readable (socket-input client-sock) client-request-handler)) (define (find-port-to-client name) (let ((sock (find-client-socket name))) (if sock (socket-output sock) #f))) (define (remove-client who) ;;;Remove client from living clients and send out a new list of clients. (format logging "Removing ~A as a client.~%" who) ;;; should send goodbye if port is available (format logging "Sending goodbye to ~A~%" who) (send-request (make-request 'server who 'goodbye nil) (find-port-to-client who)) (remove-client-from-table who) (server-broadcast 'client-list (get-clients-list)) (format logging "~A removed as a client.~%~%" who)) (define (server-broadcast cmd data) ;;;Send COMMAND to all clients containing DATA. (format logging "Broadcasting the command ~A with data ~S to all clients.~%" cmd data) (for-each (lambda (name) (send-request (make-request 'server name cmd data) (find-port-to-client name))) (get-clients-list)) (format logging "Broadcast done.~%~%")) ;; portable and slightly slow, relies on www-inst.cs.berkeley.edu being up ;; which is quite reasonable for labs. (define (get-ip-address-as-string) (let* ((s (make-client-socket "www-inst.cs.berkeley.edu" 80)) (a (socket-local-address s))) (socket-shutdown s) a))