;;; Scheme Recursive Art Contest Entry ;;; ;;; Please do not include your name or personal info in this file. ;;; ;;; Title: Midnight Flower ;;; ;;; Description: ;;; (define (draw) (speed 10) (define (call-color bc) (cond ((= bc 1) (color "red")) ((= bc 2) (color "orange")) ((= bc 3) (color "yellow")) ((= bc 4) (color "lightgreen")) ((= bc 5) (color "pink")) ((= bc 6) (color "darkgreen")) ((= bc 7) (color "blue")) ((= bc 8) (color "purple")) ((= bc 9) (color "violet")) ((= bc 10) (color "pink")) ((= bc 11) (color "red")) ((= bc 12) (color "orange")) ((= bc 13) (color "yellow")) ((= bc 14) (color "coral")) ((= bc 15) (color "green")) ((= bc 16) (color "red")) ((= bc 17) (color "orange")) ((= bc 18) (color "yellow")) ((= bc 19) (color "lightgreen")) ((= bc 20) (color "pink")) ((= bc 21) (color "darkgreen")) ((= bc 22) (color "blue")) ((= bc 23) (color "purple")) ((= bc 24) (color "violet")) ((= bc 25) (color "pink")) ((= bc 26) (color "red")) ((= bc 27) (color "orange")) ((= bc 28) (color "yellow")) ((= bc 29) (color "coral")) ((= bc 30) (color "green")) (else (color "darkgreen")))) (define (draw-circle size angle bc k) (if (= bc 0) ('0) ((call-color bc) (begin_fill) (circle size) (right angle)(end_fill) (draw-circle (* k size) angle (- bc 1) k)))) (goto 500 0) (color "black") (begin_fill) (circle 1250) (end_fill) (goto 0 0) (draw-circle 100 15 24 1) (define (outline-circle size angle bc k) (if (= bc 0) ('0) ((color "white") (circle size) (right angle) (outline-circle (* k size) angle (- bc 1) k)))) (outline-circle 100 15 24 1) (exitonclick)) ; Please leave this last line alone. You may add additional procedures above ; this line. All Scheme tokens in this file (including the one below) count ; toward the token limit. (draw)