CS61A Lab 10: User Interfaces

Week 10, 2011

In this lab, you'll be creating a Graphical User Interface (also known as a GUI) for the game of Pig.

To build the user interface, we'll be using Tkinter, which is part of Python's standard library. (Tkinter itself is a Python binding for Tk, which is an open source, cross-platform toolkit for creating graphical user interfaces)

An Introduction to User Interfaces in Tkinter

Create a new file (say, my_ui.py), and enter in the following program:

from tkinter import *

root = Frame()

In the first line, we're importing the tkinter library.
Next, we instantiate a Frame object - this object will serve as the main window of our UI.
Finally, to transfer control to the UI, we call the mainloop method on the root. Run it, and you'll see that a (blank) window comes up.

Not a very interesting window, I know. Patience, young grasshopper...

User Interfaces - An Event-Driven Paradigm

Unlike the Python programs we've been programming so far in 61A, UI programs aren't structured in terms of function/method calls. UI programs are instead structured around events that the user triggers through various means (mouse, keyboard, sound, etc). For instance, when you click a button in an application, that button object is 'woken up' by the UI, and the button then performs its relevant action (This is a bit reminiscent of Constraint Networks). The User Interface is constantly monitoring the window, so that whenever the user performs some action (a mouse click, or a keyboard stroke), the appropriate entities are notified.

As a concrete example, let's set up a simple example involving a Button. Modify your code in my_ui.py to be the following:

from tkinter import *

def handle_button_push():
    print("Button pushed.")

root = Frame()
root.rowconfigure(0, pad=200)
root.columnconfigure(0, pad=200)
root.master.title("My First Button")

button = Button(root, text="Press me!", command=handle_button_push)
button.grid(row=0, column=0)

Here, we see the interesting line: button = Button(root, text="Press me!", command=handle_button_push). Here, we are creating a Button widget, whose parent is root (i.e. main window), whose text is "Press me!", and whose callback function is the handle_button_push function.
Some terminology:

By specifying that the button's parent is root, Tkinter knew to 'add' the button widget to the root Frame. Try running the program, and you'll see your first simple application. What happens when you click the button?

Simple UI

Our First Simple UI

Designing a Pig GUI

Now, let's get started on building a GUI for the game of Pig!

Grab the provided code

Copy the provided skeleton framework into your current directory by doing:

    cp -r ~cs61a/lib/lab/lab10 . 

Note the . (period) as the third parameter to cp.
Take a second and read through the code - much of it should be understandable to you at this point (i.e. the Pig game logic).
Try running it right now!

    python3 pig_gui.py
You'll notice that a simple GUI pops up:

Incomplete Pig GUI

...but nothing works. Here's where you come in!

1.) Add the 'Roll' and 'Hold' Button callbacks

Right now, the Roll/Hold Buttons don't do anything when you click them. This is because they don't have any callbacks registered. Modify the PigGUI.initialize_ui method to register each button with handle_roll_click and handle_hold_click as callback functions. You should consider using the provided register_callback function.

Then, fill in the body of handle_roll_click and handle_hold_click. You should use the provided methods PigGUI.roll, PigGUI.hold.

You'll know you did this question correctly if the PigState is being printed out in the terminal at each Button click.

2.) Update the UI Game State

Rolls and holds are now happening behind the scenes. However, these changes aren't being reflected on the UI. Bummer!
Modify the PigGUI.roll and PigGUI.hold methods to also update the Label widget that displays the game state information: self.state_label.
You'll want to use the provided set_widget_label function.

3.) Add Images Functionality

You might notice that we have some nice .gif images living inside of lab10/images/:

images/die1.gif images/die2.gif images/die3.gif images/die4.gif
images/die5.gif images/die6.gif images/roll.gif images/hold.gif

Well, we're going to use them!

Add the necessary modifications so that, on each dice roll, the die value is reflected on the screen (i.e. rolling a 4 should result in images/die4.gif being displayed). In addition, performing a 'hold' action should result in images/hold.gif being displayed.

Tip: A good amount of the work has been done inside of PigGUI.set_dice_image. Your job is to figure out how to use this nice function to achieve your goal.

4.) Improve the 'Game Over' experience

At the moment, the end of a game is a rather lack-luster experience for the winner - all that happens is an AssertionError is raised on the terminal. Let's do better!
Add functionality such that, as soon as one of the players wins, a MessageBox pops up with a message saying which Player won, and two options: one to restart the game, and another to exit:

Game Over Example

To get the MessageBox to pop up, we'll be using the Tkinter askyesno provided function:

from tkinter import *
from tkinter.messagebox import askyesno

response = askyesno("Important Question", "Do you like CS 61A?")
if response:
    print("Hooray, you like 61A!")
    print("Hm, we'll convince you yet!")
Calling the askyesno function creates a Yes/No MessageBox, and returns True if the user clicked 'Yes', and False if the user clicked 'No'. Try it out!

Tip: To exit the application, call self.master.destroy(), or simply do exit(). The former is the preferred, cleaner way of exiting a Tkinter application, and the latter is a general way to terminate a Python program.

5.) Add a 'Restart' Functionality

At this point, we have a pretty complete UI for the Pig game - awesome! However, as always, we can do a little better. It would be nice to be able to restart the game at whim. For instance, you might want to start over if the current game is taking too long, or you want to play against someone else, or you're losing too badly, etc...
Add the ability for a player to restart the current game - this will have you add a new Button to the PigGUI, and a new callback.

Restart Button Exposed!

Here's what your completed UI might look like

Congratulations! You've created your first GUI Application!