Section notes: Week 8

CS 164, Fall 2005



;; Example adapted from section 6.2 in the Dragon book

(def-jyacc simple-lang

  (P    -> vars E)
  (vars -> vars var \;)
  (vars -> )

  (var  -> id \: type)
  (type -> char)
  (type -> integer)
  (type -> array [ num ] of type)
  (type -> ^ type)

  (E    -> E1)
  (E1   -> E1 mod E2)
  (E1   -> E2)
  (E2   -> ^ E3)
  (E2   -> E3)
  (E3   -> E3 [ E ])
  (E3   -> E4)
  (E4   -> literal)
  (E4   -> num)
  (E4   -> id))

Resolving names

// What is the output of this code?

class Week8 {
    public static void main(String[] a) {
        System.out.println(new Foo().Init().Goo(2));

class Pop {
    int foo;
    public int Foo()        { return foo;   }
    public int Bar()        { return foo+1; }
    public int Goo(int bar) { System.out.println(bar); return 0; }

class Foo extends Pop {
    boolean foo;
    int bar;
    public Pop Init() { bar = 100; foo = true; return this; } 
    public int Foo()  { 
        int bar; 
        if (foo) bar = 2; else bar = 3; 
        return bar; 
    public int Goo(int bar) {
        int baz;
        baz = bar + 5;
        return baz;


Same name, different functions. How do we get polymorphism in Java?

What about other languages?