Section evaluation

You can drop this off at my office (515 Soda), at my department mailbox, or in class next week (I'll bring an envelope). If you prefer, you can also e-mail me your responses. This form is available from the section page on the class web site.

Are the section notes useful to you?  Are there ways they could be
more useful?

Do you like having a hard copy of the section notes, or would you be
just as happy if it were only available online?

How useful were the following (very useful, useful, average, waste of time)?

 - Week 2 (Lisp exercises)
 - Week 3 (Lexing approaches)
 - Week 3 (Regular expression exercises)
 - Week 4 (More exercises)
 - Week 5 (LL(1) parsing)

Are there any things you have found particularly useful or useless about
the section?

Do you like the current balance between group exercises and mini-lectures?
Would you prefer a different balance?

Do you ever look at the "question for next time?"

What could be improved about the section?

Additional comments: