UC Berkeley CS150

Lab 5: Serial


In this lab you will implement a UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver / Transmitter) device, otherwise known as a serial interface. This task will tie together the tools you have learned in the past 4 labs and will provide a design experience similar to the course project. In addition, your working UART from this lab will be used in your project as part of checkpoint 1.


You are permitted to work with a partner for this lab. It is recommended, but not required, that you work with the person that you intended to work with for the project.


For the prelab, do the following:

  1. Get the lab distribution.
  2. Understand what a ready/valid handshake is. You can read the tutorial
  3. Read the Serial Device section. Make sure you understand how you are going to implement your piece of the UART.
  4. Answer the prelab question.

Serial Device

You are responsible only for implementing the transmit side of the UART for this lab. We have given you a complete receive side. You would be wise to model your solution after the design we have given you that implements the receive side because they will end up being quite similar.


Recall from lecture how serial devices work. On the ML505, the physical signaling aspects (such as voltage level) of the serial connection are taken care of by off-FPGA devices. From the FPGA's perspective, there are two signals, FPGA_SERIAL_RX & FPGA_SERIAL_TX, which correspond to the receive-side and transmit-side pins of the serial port. The FPGA's job is to correctly frame characters going back and forth across the serial connection. The figure below shows a single character frame and will be extremely useful in understanding the protocol.

UART Frame

In the idle state the serial line is held high. When the TX side is ready to send a character, it pulls the line low. This is called the start bit. Because UART is an asynchronous protocol, all timing within the frame is relative to when the start bit is first sent (or detected, on the receive side). The frame is divided up in to 10 uniformly sized bits: the start bit, 8 data bits, and then the stop bit. The width of a bit in cycles of the system clock is then naturally given by the system clock frequency divided by the baudrate. Notice that both sides must agree on a baudrate for this scheme to be feasible.


Let us first think about sending a character using this scheme. Once we have a character that we want to send out, transmitting it is simply a matter of shifting each bit of the character, plus the start and stop bits, out of a shift register on to the serial line. Remember, the serial baudrate is much slower than the system clock, so we must wait SymbolEdgeTime = (ClockFreq / BaudRate) cycles between changing the character we're putting on the serial line. After we have shifted all 10 bits out of the shift register, we are done.


The receive side is a bit more complicated. Fortunately for you, it is already implemented and is given to you as part of the lab distribution. You may want to open up lab5/src/UAReceive.v and follow along as you are reading this section.

Like the transmit side, the receive side of the serial device is essentially just a shift register, but this time we are shifting bits from the serial line into the shift register. However, care must be taken into determining when to shift bits in. If we attempt to sample the serial signal directly on the edge between two symbols, we are exceedingly likely to sample on the wrong side of the edge (or worse, when the signal is transitioning) and get the wrong value for that bit. The correct solution is to wait halfway into a cycle (until SampleTime on the diagram) before reading a bit in to the shift register.

One other subtlety of the receive side is correctly implementing the ready/valid interface. Once we have receive a full character over the serial port, we want to hold the valid signal high until the ready signal goes high, after which the valid signal should be low until we receive another character. This requires using an extra flip-flop that is set when the last character is shifted in to the shift register and cleared when the ready signal is asserted. This allows us to correctly implement the ready/valid handshake.

Putting it all together

Although the receive side and transmit side of the UART you will be building are essentially orthogonal, we are packaging them into one UART module to keep things tidy. If you look at UART.v, you will see that this module is mostly straightforward instantiations of UAReceive and UATransmit, but there are also two IORegisters that the serial lines are fed through. What are these for? An IORegister is simply a register that attempts to pack itself into a special block called a IOB, which are used to drive and sense from the IO pins. Using an IORegister helps ensure that you will have a nice, clean, well-behaved off-chip signal to use as an input or output to your serial modules.


You will use tools that you have learned in labs 1-4 to implement and test this lab. Make sure to refer back to these old labs if you have any questions about how to run any of these tools.


We have provided a simple testbench, called (predictably) Testbench that will run some basic tests on two instantiations of the UART module with their RX and TX signals crossed so that they can talk to each other. There is also a .do file provided that will run the test. You should note that this test bench reporting success is not by itself a good indication that your UART is working properly. Do to the way x's are treated by Modelsim if a large number of signals in your design are undefined (which they likely will be due to typos) the testbench may erroneously pass. Make sure to look at the waveform to see that everything appears to be working properly.


Your UART will eventually be used to interact with your CPU from your workstation. Without a CPU, you need some other way to test that your UART works on the board. We have provided this for you. The provided FPGA_TOP_ML505 contains a very simple finite state machine that simply send ever character it receives back over the serial device. This will be extremely useful for testing. Before programming your board, check with the provided EchoTestbench module that everything works as it should in simulation.

Once you have echo working in simulation, it is time to try it on the board. Synthesize your design and program the board with it just like you have done in previous labs. Now, make sure the serial cable is plugged in between the ML505 and your workstation and then run

% screen $SERIALTTY 115200

This tells screen, a highly versatile terminal emulator, to open up the serial device with a baud rate of 115200. Now, if you have a properly working design, you should be able to tap a few characters into the terminal and have them displayed on the screen as they are echoed back to you.



  1. What happens when the receive side gets two characters in a row without DataOutReady being set in between? You will have to look at the code for the instructor's receive-side module to answer this question.


Since you will be using the contents of this lab in your project, you will be turning this lab in via github. However, please do also let a TA know when you've successfully committed and pushed the files to your github repository.

Setting Up SSH Keys

Github authenticates you for access to your repository using ssh keys. You can generate a ssh key using the ssh-keygen command. Accepting the defaults should be fine.

Once you have a key generated, go to your github account settings. Then go to the SSH Public Keys menu. Here, click Add another public key. In this dialog insert the contents of your public key file in to the Key box. By default the public key file will be in ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub. Make sure you don't accidentally copy the contents of the ~/.ssh/id_rsa file. This is your private key, which is equivalent to your password. After you paste your key in, give it a name and your are done.

Acquiring Skeleton Files, Setting Up Repository

The skeleton files for the project will be available through a git repository provided by the staff. The suggested way for initializing your repository with the skeleton files is as follows. First, set up your ssh keys as described above. Then,

% git clone git@github.com:CS150Fa11/CS150Skeleton.git
% cd CS150Skeleton
% git remote add my-repo git@github.com:CS150Fa11/teamX.git
% git push my-repo master

This will make a single commit to your repository with the base files, we suggest you then do the following,

% cd ..
% rm -rf CS150Skeleton
% git clone git@github.com:CS150Fa11/teamX.git
% cd teamX
% git remote add staff git@github.com:CS150Fa11/CS150Skeleton.git

This will delete the skeleton repository you cloned, clone your repository that now has a single commit, and add a remote repository named staff that points to the skeleton files to allow easy future merges of staff updates.

For the next part, if you are working with a partner, only one of you will need to do this. Here are commands to add the modules from this lab implementing UART to your git repository. Make sure to first change into the hardware src directory of the skeleton files.

% cp ~/lab5/src/UATrasnmit.v .
% git add UATransmit.v
% git commit -am "Adding UART transmit module"
% git push