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11.3 Finite State Machines for Simple CPUs

In this section, we will derive the state diagram and data-path for a simple processor. The machine will have 16-bit words and just four instructions. Although this may be an oversimplified example, it illustrates the process for deriving the state diagram and data-path and the interaction between the state diagram and the data-path's register transfer operations.

11.3.1 Introduction

In general, the design of the processor's control goes hand-in-hand with the design of the data-path interconnect. We can summarize the step-by-step as:
  1. Start by developing the state diagram and associated register transfer operations for the processor control unit, assuming that point-to-point connections are supported by the data-path.

  2. Next, identify the register interconnections that are not used at the same time in any control state. You can now replace these by bus-structured interconnect.

  3. Revise the state diagram to reflect the register transfer operations supported by the modified data-path.

  4. Finally, determine how to implement the register transfer operations by detailed control signal sequences. Revise the state diagram to assert these signals in the desired sequences.
Now we are ready to begin the specification of our example machine.

Processor Specification To a first approximation, a computer is de-scribed by its instruction set and programmer-visible registers. Ours is a single accumulator machine. Its instruction format and encoding are shown in Figure 11.14.

Instruction and data words are 16 bits wide. The two high-order bits of the instruction contain an operation code to denote the operation type. The remaining 14 bits are used as the memory address of the operand word.

Figure 11.15 shows the processor-memory interface, based on the scheme introduced in Section 11.1.4. The memory data bus and memory address bus are 16 bits and 14 bits wide, respectively.

The processor's instructions are:

  1. Load from Memory
    LD XXX:   Memory[XXX] --> AC;
  2. Store to Memory
    ST XXX:   AC --> Memory[XXX];
  3. Add from Memory
    ADD XXX:  AC + Memory[XXX] --> AC;
  4. Branch if Accumulator Negative
    BRN XXX:  IF AC<15> = 1 THEN XXX --> PC;

Figure 11.16 gives a high-level state diagram for the processor's control. This is the starting point for deriving the detailed state machine in this section. You shouldn't be surprised that its major components are the familiar sequence of instruction fetch, operation decode, and operation execution.

11.3.2 Deriving the State Diagram and Datapath

The state diagram of Figure 11.16 provides only a rough beginning for the detailed state machine. For example, fetching an instruction involves a memory access, and this requires several states. And, as pointed out in the previous section, the details of the data-path interconnections affect the number of cycles required to execute the instruction. The final state diagram will contain several more states than we have shown.

Refining the State Diagram: Overview We start by decomposing the state diagram into its three major components: instruction fetch, operation decode, and operation execution. Throughout this section, we will refine each of these.

To begin, we must decide between a Moore or Mealy style of implementation. Let's choose the latter and assume that our controller will be a synchronous Mealy machine. Control outputs are now associated with transitions rather than states. Asserted control signals take effect when entering the next state.

Reset State It is a good idea to make Reset (RES) the first state. This starts the machine in a known state when the reset signal is asserted. Also, it provides the place in the state diagram from which a control signal can be asserted to force parts of the data-path to known starting values. Perhaps the most important register to set at Reset is the program counter. In our machine, we will set the PC to 0. The Memory Request line should also be driven to its unasserted value on start-up.

Instruction Fetch Reset (RES) is followed by a sequence of states to fetch the first instruction from memory (IF0, IF1, IF2). The PC is moved to the MAR, followed by a memory read sequence. Revising the Moore machine state fragment of Figure 11.7, we obtain the four-state Mealy sequence shown in Figure 11.17.

Let's examine the control signals on a transition-by-transition basis. When first detected, the external reset signal forces the state machine into state RES. This state resets the PC and Memory Request signals. It does so by the explicit operation 0 --> PC for resetting the PC on entry to RES; Request is unasserted because it is not otherwise mentioned. We assume that register transfer operations not listed in a transition are implicitly left unasserted.

Once the Reset signal is no longer asserted, the machine advances to state IF0. On this transition, the control signals to transfer the PC to the MAR are asserted. This is as good a place as any to increment the PC, setting it to point to the next sequential instruction. You should remember that register transfer statements are not like statements in a conventional programming language. The PC increment takes place on the same clock edge that causes the MAR to be loaded with the old value of the PC. Assuming edge-triggered devices, the setup/hold times and propagation delays guarantee that the old value of the PC is transferred to the MAR. We will reexamine these timing considerations in the next sub-section.

Figure 11.7 showed that the four-cycle handshake with memory can begin only when the memory Wait signal is asserted. So we loop in state IF0 until this Wait is asserted.

Once memory is ready to accept a request and Wait is asserted, we can begin a read memory sequence to obtain the instruction. On the transition to state IF1, we set up control signals to gate the MAR to the Memory Address Bus and assert the Read and Request signals.

Once we have entered IF1, the instruction address has been presented to memory and a memory read request has been made. As long as the Wait signal is asserted, these must remain asserted.

We advance to state IF2 when memory finally unasserts Wait, signaling that data is available on the Memory Databus. On this transition it is safe to transfer the values on the memory bus into the MBR. This transition also unasserts the Request signal, indicating to memory that the processor is ready to end the memory cycle. The four-cycle handshake keeps us in this state until the Wait signal is again asserted. On this exit transition, the MBR can be transferred to the IR to begin the next major step in the state machine: operation decode.

Operation Decode Because of the simplicity of our instruction set, the decode stage is simply a single state that tests the op code bits of the instruction register to determine the next state. This is shown in Figure 11.18.

The notation on the transitions from state OD indicates a conditional test on IR bits 15 and 14. For example, if IR<15:14> = 00, the next state is LD0.

Instruction Execution: LOAD Now we examine the execution sequences for the four instructions, starting with LD. The load execution sequence is given in Figure 11.19.

The transition is taken to state LD0 if the op code bits of the IR are both 0. On this transition, we transfer the address portion of the IR to the MAR. States LD0, LD1, and LD2 are almost identical to the instruction fetch states, except that the destination of the data from memory is the AC rather than the IR. The rationale for the state transitions is also identical: When memory is ready, we assert Read and Request and keep these asserted until Wait is unasserted. At this point, the data is latched into the MBR and then moved to the AC.

Instruction Execution: STORE The store execution sequence is shown in Figure 11.20. In essence, it is a memory write sequence that is similar to the load's read sequence. On the transition from the decode state, the address portion of the current instruction is transferred to the MAR while the AC is moved to the MBR. If memory is ready to accept a new request, we begin a write cycle by gating MAR and MBR to the appropriate memory buses while asserting and Request. These signals remain asserted until Wait is unasserted. At this point, the processor resets the handshake and waits for the memory to do the same.

Instruction Execution: ADD


Figure 11.21 shows the execution sequence for the ADD instruction. The basic structure repeats the load sequence. Only the transition from state AD2 back to the reset state has a slightly different transfer operation.

Instruction Execution: BRANCH NEGATIVE


Figure 11.22 gives the final execution sequence, for the Branch if AC Negative instruction. If the high-order bit of AC is 1, the IR's address bits replace the contents of the PC. Otherwise the current contents of the PC, already incremented in the previous RES-to-IF0 transition, determine the location of the next instruction.

Simplification of the State Diagram Since the instruction fetch sequence already checks whether memory is ready to receive a new request by verifying that Wait is asserted, we can eliminate state ST2. For the same reason, we can eliminate the loop/Wait exit of states LD2 and AD2. Similarly, since the IF2 state completes the processor-memory handshake, we can eliminate the loop back and exit conditions for states LD0, ST0, and AD0. Figure 11.23 gives the complete state diagram, but does not show the detailed register transfer operations.

At this point in our refinement of the state machine, the list of control inputs and outputs is as follows.

Control Signal and Conditional Inputs: Reset




Control Signal Outputs: 0 --> PC

PC + 1 --> PC

PC --> MAR

MAR --> Memory Address Bus

Memory Data Bus --> MBR

MBR --> Memory Data Bus

MBR --> IR

MBR --> AC

AC --> MBR

AC + MBR --> AC

IR<13:0> --> MAR

IR<13:0> --> PC

1 --> Read/

0 --> Read/

1 --> Request

Figure 11.24 gives a revised block diagram showing the flow of signals between the control, data-path, and memory.

11.3.3 Register Transfer Operations and Datapath Control

In deriving the state diagram of the previous subsection, we assumed there was a direct path between any source and destination of a register transfer operation that we needed. Figure 11.25 shows the implications of this assumption for our data-path. We label the connections with the instruction type (Load, Store, Add, Branch) or stage (Fetch, Decode, Execute) that makes use of the path.

We must now determine which of these point-to-point connections can be combined into shared buses. We can combine connections when they are never (or infrequently) used in the same state.

Datapath Interconnections Since instruction fetch and operand fetch take place in different states of the state machine, we can use a single bus to connect the IR, PC, and MAR. Similarly, the connections between the MBR and the IR, ALU B, and AC can be combined in a single bus.

The Store and Add paths between the ALU, AC, and MBR can be combined as well, yielding the three-bus architecture of Figure 11.26. This is almost identical to the data-path of Figure 11.13.

With this organization we can implement the transfer operation AC + MBR --> AC in a single state. Otherwise we would need to revise the portion of the state diagram for the ADD execution sequence to reflect the true sequence of transfers needed to implement this -operation.

In Figure 11.26 the AC is the only register connected to more than one bus (it can be loaded from the Result Bus or the Memory Bus). This is called a dual-ported configuration, and it requires additional hardware. It is useful to try to reuse existing connections whenever possible. By using an ALU component that has the ability to pass its B input through to the output, we can implement the load path from the MBR to the AC in the same manner as the add path. We simply instruct the ALU to PASS B rather than ADD A and B. This yields the three-bus architecture introduced in Figure 11.13, eliminating the extra data-path complexity associated with a dual-ported AC. We assume this organization throughout the rest of this subsection.

Implementation of the Register Transfer Operations Now that we have settled on the detailed connections supported by the data-path, we are ready to examine how register transfer operations are implemented. A data-path control point is a signal that causes the data-path to perform some operation when it is asserted. Some control operations, such as ADD, PASS B, 0 --> PC, PC + 1 --> PC, are implemented directly by the ALU and PC functional units. For other operations, such as PC --> MAR, we have to assert more than one control point within the data-path. These more detailed control signals are often called microoperations. Thus, we can decompose a register transfer operation into one or more microoperations, and there is one microoperation for each control point (for example, a register load or tri-state enable control input) in the data-path.

As an example, let's examine the register transfer operation PC --> MAR. To implement this, the PC must be gated to the Address Bus while the MAR is loaded from the same bus. In terms of microoperations, PC --> MAR is decomposed into PC --> ABUS and ABUS --> MAR.

Figure 11.27 shows how these operations manipulate control points in the data-path. The PC is a loadable counter, attached to the ABUS via tri-state buffers. The MAR is a loadable register whose parallel load inputs are driven from the ABUS. Asserting the microoperation PC --> ABUS connects the PC to the ABUS. Asserting the ABUS --> MAR microoperation loads the MAR from the ABUS.

Timing of Register Transfer Operations 

Figure 11.12 shows the timing for these signals. The waveform begins with entering state RES, followed by advancing to state IF0. In this timing diagram we assume the Reset signal is debounced and synchronized with the system clock and 0 --> PC is directly tied to the synchronized Reset. We use positive edge-triggered registers and counters with synchronous control inputs throughout. Although we assume positive logic in this timing diagram, you should realize that most components come with active low control signals.

The Reset signal is captured by a synchronizing flip-flop on the first rising edge in the figure. A propagation delay later, the synchronized version of the reset signal is presented as an input to the control. No matter what state the machine is in, the next state is RES if Reset is asserted. The 0 --> PC microoperation is hardwired to the synchronized Reset signal. The synchronous counter CLR input takes effect at the next rising edge. This coincides with the transition into state RES.

Once we are in state RES, we assume that the Reset input becomes unasserted. Otherwise we would loop in the state, continuously setting the PC to 0 until Reset is no longer asserted. With Reset unasserted, IF0 is the next state and the microoperations PC + 1 --> PC, PC --> ABUS, and ABUS --> MAR are asserted.

Because of the way they are implemented in the data-path, some of these operations take place immediately while others are delayed until the next clock edge/entry into the next state. For example, asserting PC --> ABUS turns on a tri-state buffer. This takes place immediately. Microoperations like PC + 1 --> PC (counter increment) and ABUS --> MAR (register load) are synchronous and therefore are deferred to the next clock event.

In the waveform, soon after entry into RES with Reset removed, we gate the PC onto the ABUS. Even though the PC count signal is asserted, it will not take effect until the next rising edge, so the ABUS correctly receives 0.

On the next rising edge, the MAR latches the ABUS and the PC is incremented. Because the increment propagation delay exceeds the hold time on the MAR load signal, the 0 value of the PC is still on the ABUS at the time the load is complete. When a bus is a destination, the microoperation usually takes place immediately; if a register is a destination, the microoperation's effect is usually delayed.

Tabulation of Register Transfer Operations and Microoperations The relationships between register transfer operations and microoperations are:

Register Transfer


0 --> PC

0 --> PC (delayed);

PC + 1 --> PC

PC + 1 --> PC (delayed);

PC --> MAR

PC --> ABUS (immediate),

ABUS --> MAR (delayed);

MAR --> Address Bus

MAR --> Address Bus (immediate);

Data Bus --> MBR

Data Bus --> MBR (delayed);

MBR --> Data Bus

MBR --> Data Bus (immediate);

MBR --> IR

MBR --> MBUS (immediate),

MBUS --> IR (delayed);

MBR --> AC

MBR --> MBUS (immediate),

MBUS --> ALU B (immediate),

ALU PASS B (immediate),

ALU Result --> RBUS (immediate),

RBUS --> AC (delayed);

AC --> MBR

AC --> ALU A (immediate, hard-wired),

ALU PASS A (immediate),

ALU Result --> RBUS (immediate, hard-wired),

RBUS --> MBR (delayed);

AC + MBR --> AC

AC --> ALU A (immediate, hard-wired),

MBR --> MBUS (immediate),

MBUS --> ALU B (immediate),

ALU ADD (immediate),

ALU Result --> RBUS (immediate, hard-wired),

RBUS --> AC (delayed);

IR<13:0> --> MAR

IR --> ABUS (immediate),

ABUS --> IR (delayed);

IR<13:0> --> PC

IR --> ABUS (immediate),

ABUS --> PC (delayed);

1 --> Read/

Read (immediate);

0 --> Read/

Write (immediate);

1 --> Request

Request (immediate);

Some of these operations can be eliminated because a connection is dedicated to a particular function and thus does not have to be controlled explicitly. AC --> ALU A and ALU Result --> RBUS are examples of this, since the AC is the only register that connects to ALU A and the ALU Result is the only source of the RBUS.

This leads us to the revised microoperation signal flow of Figure 11.29.

Two control signals go to memory, Read/ and Request, and 16 signals go to the data-path. The control has a total of five inputs: the two op code bits, the high-order bit of the AC, the memory Wait signal, and the external Reset signal. It is critical that the latter two be synchronized to the control clock.

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This file last updated on 07/16/96 at 04:05:25.