10 Suggestions for Working with Children with Disabilities

  1. Work from the child's interests.
  2. Be very emotionally expressive, animated and playful.
  3. Break tasks down into small steps.
  4. Expect variability in the child's performance, but look for a general trend of improvement.
  5. Help the child to be as self-sufficient as possible.
  6. Don't be too discouraged when things fall apart, but learn from the experience. You will always be learning about your own limits and those of the child.  Try to understand why things fell apart.
  7. Make allowances for unusual circumstances such as illness, bad days, or stressful transition periods and provide emotional support accordingly.
  8. Pick a time period when you can fully focus on the child.
  9. Don't be afraid to set reasonable limits.  Activities that can be dangerous for the child or for anyone else are not okay.
  10. Collaborate with the family.  Parents can provide a wealth of useful information and assistance. 

Have fun with it!

Jasmine Ueng-McHale