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Package: SYSTEM

Arguments: (&key filename data)

Windows only.

Sets the splash bitmap to be stored in subsequent dumplisp images and then displayed when those images are started.

Exactly one of the keywords filename and data should be supplied. If filename is supplied -- the value should be a namestring or pathname -- then it is the name of a file that contains a device independent bitmap. Such a file typically has the extension .bmp or .dib and the contents must begin with the two characters "BM". When set-splash-bitmap is called, it reads the contents of that file into the Lisp heap, thus the bitmap file needn't exist later when the dumplisp is done or the image is restarted. It need only exist when this function is called.

If the data keyword is given, then its value must be an one-dimensional simple-array of type (unsigned-byte 8). The contents of the array is the bitmap, beginning with the bitmapinfo header. This is different than a bitmap stored on the disk (and read when the filename keyword is given) which begins with a 14 byte bitmap file header.

The user-defined splash bitmap used when an image starts will be saved by subsequent calls to dumplisp, except when the +B command line option is used for the image doing the dumplisp.

The general documentation description is in introduction.htm. The index is in index.htm.

Copyright (C) 1998-1999, Franz Inc., Berkeley, CA. All Rights Reserved.