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Arguments: (&optional name)

Used in versions that use the :os-threads multiprocessing model only. Symbol does not exist in version that use the non :os-threads model. Conditionalize with #+os-threads.

If non-lisp threads are going to use callback functions to invoke lisp code, then a "customs" process must be running to assign each such thread a lisp process, when the thread first tries to invoke lisp code. start-customs starts such a process. The name argument, if present, must be a valid name argument to mp:make-process; if omitted it defaults to "Customs". Starting more than one customs process is inefficient, but not fatal. start-customs checks to see if a process with the specified name already exists; if so it does nothing. Otherwise start-customs creates a process that waits for non-lisp threads to appear and then calls mp:make-immigrant-process to give them the lisp structure they need to run in the lisp world.

See multiprocessing.htm for general information on multiprocessing in Allegro CL.

The general documentation description is in introduction.htm. The index in index.htm.

Copyright (C) 1998-1999, Franz Inc., Berkeley, CA. All Rights Reserved.