SWE Officer Positions


Elected Positions:


President - Oversees all of the activities of the chapter and provides guidance to officers.  Runs all general and officer meetings.  Acts as a liaison between other on-campus groups and SWE chapters.


Vice President - Provides additional leadership, assisting the president and assuming her duties as necessary.  Writes articles for professional SWE newsletters.


Secretary - Provides SWE's administrative support by processing membership forms, taking minutes at meetings and maintaining the stock of office supplies. 


Treasurer - Ensures the availability of SWE's financial resources by reviewing proposed budgets and reporting SWE's financial status to the president.  Manages the chapter's cash flow and prepares a financial report in the spring.


EJC Representative - Serves as a liaison between SWE and other campus groups by representing SWE at Engineers' Joint Council meetings and coordinating SWE's participation in EJC events.  Gets food for SWE meetings.



Nominated Positions:


Activities - Encourages interaction between members by organizing SWE social events. These including the fall New Student Breakfast, the spring Faculty Student Luncheon and the Big Sis-Little Sis program. 


Computer Systems Administrator - Enhances publicity to members and supporters of SWE by maintaining the SWE homepage.   Ensures the availability of computing resources to members by maintaining the SWE office computers.  Must be competent in web site design. 


Elementary School Outreach - Encourages math and science education by coordinating visits to elementary schools and organizing the Young Inventor's Contest.


Evening With Industry - Encourages members in developing career skills by organizing SWE's major corporate networking event.  As this event is also SWE's major fundraiser, the Evening with Industry Coordinators are also responsible for ensuring the event's profitability. 


High School Outreach - Encourages students to pursue careers in engineering by coordinating visits to high schools.  Works with campus staff to recruit and retain women and underrepresented minorities in engineering. 


Historian - Records the activities of the chapter by taking pictures at SWE events and preparing a 10-page annual report.  This report is the basis of the chapter's eligibility for national competitions.


Junior High School Outreach - Encourages students to pursue careers in engineering by coordinating the fall Mini-University, a day-long outreach program on the UC Berkeley campus.  Organizes other outreach programs such as Girl Scout Badge Projects. 


Junior Solar Sprint Challenge - Encourages math and science education by organizing a solar car race for junior high school students. 


Marketing and Corporate Relations - Provides career guidance resources to members by acting as SWE's corporate liaison.  Duties include organizing info-sessions and publishing four Marketing and Corporate Relations Updates per semester. 


Newsletter - Keeps members informed of SWE events by publishing four newsletters per semester. 


Publicity - Keeps members informed of SWE events by sending regular e-mails, posting the SWE banner and publishing announcements in the Engineering News.


Shadow - Encourages members to explore career opportunities by organizing the spring Shadow an Engineer program.


updated: 3/21/01